Category Archives: Regional Plan

Sandy Lake – Sackville River Regional Park Coalition News comments on Draft LSA 5Jun2024

In abbreviated form, the SL-SRRP Coalition comments that “Some of the ways in which the draft report is currently lacking, but may be addressed in the final report, are: 1. The LSA does not deal with the entire Sandy Lake … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sackvile River Watershed, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

New legislation would give Minister of Housing “absolute power and discretion” over all planning and development in Halifax 13Oct2023

UPDATE: Halifax considers taking Nova Scotia to court over controversial housing Bill 329 – Suzanne Rent in the Halifax Examiner, Oct 18, 2023. Intro in in Morning File ———— This is not good news, and is eerily eerily reminiscent of … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Halifax Green Network, Regional Plan, Water Quality | Leave a comment

Regarding Case 23307 – Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 Special Planning Area 25Jul2023

Initial Comments  in reference to the request for public feedback on Case 23307 – Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 Special Planning Area. I have spent some time in this area as a retired Biology Prof/naturalist looking at the landscape … Continue reading

Posted in climate Warming, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Halifax seeking “Naturalization Coordinator” 8Jul2023

Having a ‘Naturalization Coordinator’ for HRM is a  welcome initiative, but it should be coupled with a commitment, wherever and whenever possible, to place new developments on sites that are already ecologically degraded.

Posted in Conservation, Halifax Green Network, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan | Leave a comment

HRM Sandy Lake Ecological Features Assessment completed 9Jul2022

UPDATE JULY 12,2022: Council passed the boundary study motion unanimously (motion below, moved by Counc. Blackburn, Seconded by Counc. Outhit): That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to: 1. Incorporate the analysis and findings of the Sandy Lake … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Events, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan | Leave a comment

Land swaps could solve the ‘Sandy Lake versus Development Dilemma’ 6Jul2022

“We need to be creative and think outside the mandated boxes. If we do so, we create a general model for satisfying the three main demands [to conserve environmentally sensitive lands, increase housing and make it profitable to do both] … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Halifax Green Network, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

The Halifax Regional Plan review: Where we are and what’s left to do 8Jan2022

Delving into the current Regional Plan review  can be challenging because of the voluminous materials and complex consultation and decision-making processes but how it all pans out  affects all of us; accordingly,  it behooves as many of us as possible … Continue reading

Posted in Halifax Green Network, Regional Plan | Leave a comment

Regional Council Motion for “optimal conceptual boundary for an expanded Sandy Lake Regional Park” passes 9Nov2021

It was item 15.5.1 by Councillor Blackburn for the November 9, 2021 Halifax Regional Council Meeting: 15.5 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 15.5.1 Councillor Blackburn – Sandy Lake [PDF] Motion: That Halifax Regional Council: 1. Suspend the Rules of Procedure under section … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

SRA Thursday Oct 7, 2021: Sandy Lake, The Forgotten Park

Presentation by Karen Robinson, Chair, Sandy Lake  Regional Park Coalition A Zoom Meeting, begins at  7 pm. Register by e-mail to Phone (902) 865-9238

Posted in Conservation, Events, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

HRM releases Themes & Directions Report 20May2021

From the Report: This document, the Themes and Directions Report, is the first deliverable of the Regional Plan Review. The purpose of this document is to explain the scope of the Regional Plan Review to the public, stakeholders and Regional … Continue reading

Posted in Halifax Green Network, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan, RP+10 | Leave a comment