Category Archives: Conservation

Land swaps could solve the ‘Sandy Lake versus Development Dilemma’ 6Jul2022

“We need to be creative and think outside the mandated boxes. If we do so, we create a general model for satisfying the three main demands [to conserve environmentally sensitive lands, increase housing and make it profitable to do both] … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Halifax Green Network, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

Saturday May 28, 2022: World Fish Migration Day

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Turtle Nesting Time again 11May2022

Writes Clarence Stevens in the Halifax Field Naturalists Nature Archive today: It is turtle nesting time again. This amazingly diverse area, Sandy Lake-Sackville River, houses three of Nova Scotia’s four turtle species, snapping turtles, painted turtles and wood turtles. All … Continue reading

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Salmon fry spotted in Sandy Lake watershed 3 May2022

Walter Reagan, President of the Sackville Rivers Association forwarded an email he received yesterday from I.G. with some good news: Salmon fry were spotted in Sandy Lake watershed: I saw good numbers  of salmon fry between Marsh and Sandy Lake … Continue reading

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In the News… Pressure To Develop Sandy Lake Area; Lake Monitoring 20Apr2022

Update Apr 21, 2022: The Feds think ecological corridors provided by areas such as Sandy Lake are important. See Parks Canada, Government of Canada launches new National Program for Ecological Corridors (Posted Apr 21, 2022) Walter Regan on the Todd … Continue reading

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Please be on the lookout for Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in the vicinity of Sandy Lake (Bedford NS) 25Mar2022

We learned of the arrival of this  really horrible pest, the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid (HWA), aka the Hemlock Vampires, in NS (and in all of Atlantic Canada) only in Aug of 2017, which seems like ages ago now. When first … Continue reading

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Regional Council Motion for “optimal conceptual boundary for an expanded Sandy Lake Regional Park” passes 9Nov2021

It was item 15.5.1 by Councillor Blackburn for the November 9, 2021 Halifax Regional Council Meeting: 15.5 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 15.5.1 Councillor Blackburn – Sandy Lake [PDF] Motion: That Halifax Regional Council: 1. Suspend the Rules of Procedure under section … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

SRA Thursday Oct 7, 2021: Sandy Lake, The Forgotten Park

Presentation by Karen Robinson, Chair, Sandy Lake  Regional Park Coalition A Zoom Meeting, begins at  7 pm. Register by e-mail to Phone (902) 865-9238

Posted in Conservation, Events, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake | Leave a comment

Motion to review policies, better protect HRM wetlands on Regional Council agenda for Aug 31, 2021

A welcome initiative by Councillor Kathryn Morse (District 10: Halifax Bedford Basin West):

Posted in Conservation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Marsh Lake a Duck’s Unlimited “Treasured Wetland” 5Jul2021

UPDATE Jul 8, 2021: Join us for an afternoon at Sandy Lake Beach, we are hosting an interpretive event to commemorate the final day of the Treasured Wetlands Bioblitz 2021. All are welcome from 12:00 – 3:30 pm on Monday … Continue reading

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