Category Archives: Events

From Sandy Lake-Sackville River Regional Park Coalition 15May2024

1. DRAFT Land Suitability Analyses out for review We call these Stantec studies “pre-development studies” because that is their focus – what areas can be developed and how. We are assured that the outcome could be that no areas can … Continue reading

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iNaturalists events x Sandy Lake: Sunday April 21 and Saturday 27th, 2024

Announced Mar 29, 2024 by The Dirt Gang, on their Facebook Page:

Posted in Conservation, Events, Sandy Lake, Talks & Walks, Wabanaki Forest, watershed | Leave a comment

October 13-22, 2023: The Fall Continental Mycoblitz 2023 in the Maritimes!

Where: Everywhere mushrooms grow The 2023 Continental Mycoblitz is open to anyone who is willing to make scientifically valuable collections of mushrooms – including photography, fieldnotes, and submitting a dried specimen. Any individual or organization can submit their most unique/interesting/exciting … Continue reading

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New Date for Public input regarding Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 (within Sandy Lake watershed): Wed Aug 16, 2023

From HRM Planner Dalih Salih: “The new date for the public open house will be on Wednesday, August 16th, at the BMO Centre (61 Gary Martin Drive) where we will have 2 sessions. The afternoon session will take place between … Continue reading

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HRM Sandy Lake Ecological Features Assessment completed 9Jul2022

UPDATE JULY 12,2022: Council passed the boundary study motion unanimously (motion below, moved by Counc. Blackburn, Seconded by Counc. Outhit): That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to: 1. Incorporate the analysis and findings of the Sandy Lake … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Events, Regional Park proposal, Regional Plan | Leave a comment

Follow-up Earth Day with Guided Walk at Sandy Lake on Sat Apr 23

Follow-up  Earth Day (Friday Apr 22nd 2022) with a guided nature walk with Clarence Stevens at Sandy Lake Park, off Smith’s Road, Bedford, on Saturday April 23rd at 2pm. Come see first hand why this area is so important to … Continue reading

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SRA Thursday Nov 4, 2021: Wil Brunner on Outdoor Nature Wellness

Received from SRA: TITLE: Outdoor Nature Wellness: how intentional time outdoors can enhance mental health. Wil Brunner will be giving this talk this Thursday November 4 via ZOOM. Please send an email to: to obtain the ZOOM link details. … Continue reading

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SRA Thursday Oct 7, 2021: Sandy Lake, The Forgotten Park

Presentation by Karen Robinson, Chair, Sandy Lake  Regional Park Coalition A Zoom Meeting, begins at  7 pm. Register by e-mail to Phone (902) 865-9238

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Marsh Lake a Duck’s Unlimited “Treasured Wetland” 5Jul2021

UPDATE Jul 8, 2021: Join us for an afternoon at Sandy Lake Beach, we are hosting an interpretive event to commemorate the final day of the Treasured Wetlands Bioblitz 2021. All are welcome from 12:00 – 3:30 pm on Monday … Continue reading

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Thurs May 6, 2021: Measuring and celebrating wetlands in the Sackville River Watershed

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