C: Old Forest

From Forest Walk Notes:

C: A lot of Old Forest (80 yrs +) on our tour; it supports Distinct Assemblages of species, e.g. birds (Betts et al, 2022). lichens (re: Goldsmith Lake Lichen Camp)

More Info

Nina Newington/XR on Old Forests in NS
From post on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia, Dec 9, 2022

Goldsmith Lake Forests & Lichen Camp GLWA 2024
Pages on versicolor.ca/nstriad

How much Old Forest do we have in NS?
On versicolor.ca/nstraid

Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines
by Matthew G. Betts et all, 2022 in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The full text is publicly available.

High profile scientific paper highlights effects of forest degradation in Canadian maritimes on bird habitat and population declines 29Apr2022
Post on NS Forest Notes, Jun 8, 2022

Why we need to set clear goals for conservation of Old Forest – not just Old Growth – in Nova Scotia 8Jun2022
Post on NS Forest Notes, Jun 8, 2022

The draft Nova Scotia Old Growth Forest Policy is weak on conservation of old forest species 1Dec2021
Post on NS Forest Notes, Dec 1, 2021