Category Archives: Water Quality

Salmon Parr spotted at the top of Peverills Brook June 24, 2024

Sandy Lake enthusiast and EAC’s Wilderness Outreach Coordinator Karen McKendry was curious about the state of upper Peverills Brook where it begins at the bottom of Sandy Lake, and in particular, whether she could she any evidence of Atlantic Salmon … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Sackvile River Watershed, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Comments Off on Salmon Parr spotted at the top of Peverills Brook June 24, 2024

Sandy Lake – Sackville River Regional Park Coalition News comments on Draft LSA 5Jun2024

In abbreviated form, the SL-SRRP Coalition comments that “Some of the ways in which the draft report is currently lacking, but may be addressed in the final report, are: 1. The LSA does not deal with the entire Sandy Lake … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sackvile River Watershed, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

On the Draft Landscape Suitabilty Analysis for the Sandy Lake Study Area 23May2024

Yesterday I submitted some comments on the Draft LSA (Landscape Suitability Analysis) for the “Sandy Lake Study Area” released Apr 18, 2024. To view that document, see HRM Future Service Communities webpage, link to Draft SandyLake LSA Apr18_2024.pdf (38.5 MB) … Continue reading

Posted in climate Warming, Conservation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

New legislation would give Minister of Housing “absolute power and discretion” over all planning and development in Halifax 13Oct2023

UPDATE: Halifax considers taking Nova Scotia to court over controversial housing Bill 329 – Suzanne Rent in the Halifax Examiner, Oct 18, 2023. Intro in in Morning File ———— This is not good news, and is eerily eerily reminiscent of … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Halifax Green Network, Regional Plan, Water Quality | Leave a comment

Please keep an eye out for possible dead eels in Sandy Lake and other lakes 15Sep2023

It’s a request from Chris Kennedy of the LakeWatchers program sent to Karen Robinson of the Sandy Lake Conservation Association who forwarded it to me. Says Karen R: “Chris Kennedy sent a request that we keep an eye out for … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Who is monitoring water level in Sandy Lake? 2Sep2023

UPDATE  Sep 4, 2023: There is still – a month and more after the Big Precipitation Events –  a lot of water being held back by the intact landscape. See below ——— Sandy Lake fan and top Sandy Lake iNaturalist … Continue reading

Posted in Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Sandy Lake (Bedford, NS) limnological profiles reveal freshening and oxygenation of the water column after extreme rain events; and a worrisome “Metalimnion Oxygen Minimum” 2Sep2023

After  extreme precipitation events earlier in the summer of 2023, the entire  water column had lower conductivity values ( a measure of salt content) on Aug 14 compared to May 22  and bottom waters on Aug 14 were better oxygenated … Continue reading

Posted in climate Warming, Conservation, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

“Here’s what Halifax wants you to know about blue green algae” 28Jul2023

That’s the title of an article in the Halifax Examiner by Zane Woodford, July 28, 2023. The article describes what to look out for, how to distinguish BGA (Blue-green algae) from pollen or even an oil spill. “The difference is … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Regarding Case 23307 – Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 Special Planning Area 25Jul2023

Initial Comments  in reference to the request for public feedback on Case 23307 – Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 Special Planning Area. I have spent some time in this area as a retired Biology Prof/naturalist looking at the landscape … Continue reading

Posted in climate Warming, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

Public input sought Wed July 26 regarding Bedford West subareas 12 & 1 (within Sandy Lake watershed) 24Jul2023

UPDATE: “ – Public Open House is Postponed. Please note that due to the ongoing storm recovery, the Public Open House will be rescheduled to another day in the near future. We will update this page once a date is confirmed.” … Continue reading

Posted in Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment