Category Archives: Conservation

Salmon Parr spotted at the top of Peverills Brook June 24, 2024

Sandy Lake enthusiast and EAC’s Wilderness Outreach Coordinator Karen McKendry was curious about the state of upper Peverills Brook where it begins at the bottom of Sandy Lake, and in particular, whether she could she any evidence of Atlantic Salmon … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Sackvile River Watershed, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Comments Off on Salmon Parr spotted at the top of Peverills Brook June 24, 2024

Sandy Lake – Sackville River Regional Park Coalition News comments on Draft LSA 5Jun2024

In abbreviated form, the SL-SRRP Coalition comments that “Some of the ways in which the draft report is currently lacking, but may be addressed in the final report, are: 1. The LSA does not deal with the entire Sandy Lake … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sackvile River Watershed, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

On the Draft Landscape Suitabilty Analysis for the Sandy Lake Study Area 23May2024

Yesterday I submitted some comments on the Draft LSA (Landscape Suitability Analysis) for the “Sandy Lake Study Area” released Apr 18, 2024. To view that document, see HRM Future Service Communities webpage, link to Draft SandyLake LSA Apr18_2024.pdf (38.5 MB) … Continue reading

Posted in climate Warming, Conservation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment

From Sandy Lake-Sackville River Regional Park Coalition 15May2024

1. DRAFT Land Suitability Analyses out for review We call these Stantec studies “pre-development studies” because that is their focus – what areas can be developed and how. We are assured that the outcome could be that no areas can … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Events, Talks & Walks | Leave a comment

iNaturalists events x Sandy Lake: Sunday April 21 and Saturday 27th, 2024

Announced Mar 29, 2024 by The Dirt Gang, on their Facebook Page:

Posted in Conservation, Events, Sandy Lake, Talks & Walks, Wabanaki Forest, watershed | Leave a comment

Bedford West Development Plans approved by Province, significant environmental concerns remain 2Dec2023

View: Housing Developments Approved for Bedford West Nova Scotia Government. News Release, Municipal Affairs and Housing November 28, 2023 “On the recommendation of the Executive Panel on Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Halifax Green Network | Leave a comment

Councillor Morse requests staff report on plan to protect Eastern Hemlock in HRM 13Nov2023

Date of Council Meeting: November 14, 2023 Subject: Staff report on plan to protect Eastern Hemlock in HRM Motion for Council to Consider: That Halifax Regional Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to provide a staff report on a … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Invasive Species, Pests | Leave a comment

October 13-22, 2023: The Fall Continental Mycoblitz 2023 in the Maritimes!

Where: Everywhere mushrooms grow The 2023 Continental Mycoblitz is open to anyone who is willing to make scientifically valuable collections of mushrooms – including photography, fieldnotes, and submitting a dried specimen. Any individual or organization can submit their most unique/interesting/exciting … Continue reading

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Sunday Oct 22, 2023: The 18th Annual SRA Fall Benefit Dinner & Auction

A note to Sandy Lake fans: The Sandy Lake  Watershed is the largest or second largest sub-watershed of the Sackville River watershed, depending on how the sub-subwatersheds are aggregated (see map below). Regardless, it’s very important to the larger  Sackville … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Fish, Sackvile River Watershed, Sandy Lake, watershed | Leave a comment

Please keep an eye out for possible dead eels in Sandy Lake and other lakes 15Sep2023

It’s a request from Chris Kennedy of the LakeWatchers program sent to Karen Robinson of the Sandy Lake Conservation Association who forwarded it to me. Says Karen R: “Chris Kennedy sent a request that we keep an eye out for … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Sandy Lake, Water Quality, watershed | Leave a comment