Draft “Future Serviced Communities (FSC) study update for Sandy Lake” released 19Apr2024

Just Posted on the publicly accessible webpage for Halifax Future Services Communities: a link to “Draft Sandy Lake LSA Apr18_2024.pdf (38.5 MB) (pdf)” (bottom right of the page under Reports).

The first page provides a lengthy “Grant of Access and Use & Disclaimer” Statement. From that page:

This draft report was prepared by a third-party consultant for Halifax Regional Municipality (“HRM”). It is a work-in-progress and is anticipated to become a component of a consolidated report as part of HRM’s “Future Serviced Communities” study. Because the report is in draft and does not provide the full picture of land suitability pending flood risk, watershed, and other study components, it is subject to change without notice after further review and analysis by HRM staff.

This draft report was created to support municipal purposes and activities related to HRM’s “Future Serviced Communities” study. The grant of access and use is for the limited purpose of informing (and inviting feedback from) study area property owners and other interested parties about technical issues and findings associated with these initiatives (the “Purpose”).

A person may not access, use, create derived works from, license, reproduce, publish, or otherwise distribute the draft report, or any part thereof, for an objective unrelated to the Purpose without first receiving the written consent of HRM, which consent may be withheld for any reason or no reason. Any decision by a person accessing the draft report to use or rely on the data therein for their own purposes is taken at that person’s sole risk and without recourse or remedy of any kind or nature whatsoever against HRM.

I am posting this information as an obviously “interested party”, and informing viewers of this website who as such are assumed to be likewise interested parties.

More comments will follow if the authorities concerned allow me to make some of my feedback on the Draft Sandy Lake LSA publicly available (request just submitted).

  • david p


UPDATE Apr 22, 2024

I received today and appreciate  a prompt reply to my request, directed to Stephanie Salloum, Principal Planner- Planned growth, Strategic projects/Planning and Development at HRM.

From the response (Apr 22, 2024):

Thank you for reaching out. Please feel free to share your feedback on the draft Sandy Lake Land Suitability Analysis on your website. Comments on the report can be shared publicly under your free speech rights, but we appreciate the heads up.

From My request (Apr 20, 2024):

I have just seen the link to this Draft Report and the invitation to provide feedback.

Since 2017 I have maintained a website Forests and surface waters of Sandy Lake & Environs (Bedford, Nova Scotia), and have posted a notice about it, quoting some the info/warnings about use in the Grant of Access and Use & Disclaimer.

See http://versicolor.ca/sandylakebedford/2024/04/20/draft-future-serviced-communities-fsc-study-update-for-sandy-lake-released-18apr2024/

I would like to make some of my comments on the Draft Report public, in keeping with the purpose of this website, and in the interest of generating more feedback.

Is that OK with you/HRM etc.?

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