iNaturalists events x Sandy Lake: Sunday April 21 and Saturday 27th, 2024

Announced Mar 29, 2024 by The Dirt Gang, on their Facebook Page:

“Nova Scotia needs your photos!
Did you walk your dog today? I bet you’re searching for a new park or trail to explore or you’re enjoying your favourite nature hideaway. And while you’re walking, I bet you’re taking photos and uploading them to social media for all your friends to enjoy. We all do it. But did you know that your photos can be uploaded to an international panel of experts for identification and then added to a database that can help identify important habitat and ecosystems? That’s amazing and valuable…. In fact your photos can help the Province identify areas that need protection. All you need is a phone or camara and a love of nature and you too can become a citizen scientist.
So, come out and join us for this 2-part workshop to learn how you can become part of the growing “citizen science” movement.”

Note, to Register: contact

View  workshop program

View Forest Walk Notes

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