Sandy Lake – Sackville River Regional Park Coalition News comments on Draft LSA 5Jun2024

In abbreviated form, the SL-SRRP Coalition comments that “Some of the ways in which the draft report is currently lacking, but may be addressed in the final report, are:

1. The LSA does not deal with the entire Sandy Lake sub-watershed (see the RFP). This is the relevant scale to examine potential flooding, stormwater impacts, and water quality…

2.  The LSA does not describe potential impacts of development on Sandy Lake Regional Park, or on Sandy Lake

3. ..additional water and wetland information is expected in the final report.,,.[it is] unacceptable that the draft report recommends buffers widths and location without the additional water and wetland information.

4. A huge weakness in the draft report is regarding limnology of Sandy Lake. Please closely examine and consider the submission on this topic by Dr. David Patriquin… [View post on this website]

5 It is stunning to us that wild Atlantic Salmon are not listed as being in the Sandy Lake watershed currently… Walter Regan, board member of the Sackville Rivers Associations says:

“Sandy Lake is the biggest subwatershed in the Sackville River system. Sandy Lake is a very important area for wild Atlantic Salmon in the Sackville River Watershed and must be protected. There is overwhelming evidence that salmon are back in Sandy Lake and its tributaries now. The Sackville Rivers Association have installed many salmon restoration installations in Peverills Brook to enhance salmon habitat to allow for both increased spawning and rearing habitats to support existing populations of Wild Atlantic Salmon and many other species of fish.”

There follows 8 pages of detailed comments on the Draft LSA page by page .

View the entire SL-SRRP Coalition document (submitted on May 27, 2024).

The SL-SRRP Coalition asks supporters “to examine the LSA report and provide feedback to HRM”, and to “help us post Save Sandy Lake signs all over the province, and send letters to the Premier asking him to Save Sandy Lake:

To view the Draft LSA, see HRM Future Service Communities webpage, link to Draft SandyLake LSA Apr18_2024.pdf (38.5 MB) (pdf)

This entry was posted in Community, Conservation, Regional Plan, Sackvile River Watershed, Water Quality, watershed. Bookmark the permalink.