An example of the data: Historical Electrical Conductivity (salt) values for selected Halifax-area lakes including Sandy Lake (enlarged in inset). From Clement, P.M. and D.C. Gordon. 2019, Fig. 5 (Conductivity readings as measured by Environmental Services Laboratory) in Synoptic water quality survey of selected Halifax-area lakes: 2011 results and comparison with previous surveys. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3170: xi + 98 p.
From HRM:
Helicopter to collect water quality samples at municipal lakes
Posted: March 26, 2021 – 12:00 pm52 lakes within the Halifax Regional Municipality will be tested for water quality on Wednesday, March 31 weather pending. These water quality samples will be collected by helicopter and by boat. Residents should be advised that the helicopter will be travelling at low altitude to obtain these samples.
Testing in this method is conducted every 10 years to test for nutrients, chlorophyll a and heavy metals. This work is separate from the supervised beach water quality testing program, which is completed weekly in July and August at all municipally-supervised beaches.
For more information on water testing locations, view the list.