The Big Question: Will we see an end to “Highgrading at the Landscape Level” on Crown lands on Jan 1, 2023?
‘Just wonderin’ re: items (c) and (d) below and ‘The Big Question” (right).
The current* NS Government’s Commitment (clause 10 in the Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act, As Passed on Nov 5, 2021, bolding inserted):
*A PC Government was elected with a majority on Aug 17, 2021, replacing two successive Liberal Governments (2013-2019).
The Government’s goals with respect to the protection of land are
(a) to conserve at least 20% of the total land and water mass of the Province by 2030 as protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, including Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, in a manner consistent with national reporting criteria;
(b) to support the goal in clause (a) with a collaborative protected areas strategy to be released by December 31, 2023;
—->(c) to implement by 2023 an ecological forestry approach for Crown lands, consistent with the recommendations in “An Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia” prepared by William Lahey in 2018, through the triad model of forest management that prioritizes the sustainability of ecosystems and biodiversity in the Province; and
—->(d) to identify by 2023 the percentage allocation of Crown land dedicated to each pillar of the triad model of forest management referred to in clause (c).
There was lots left to do as of July 13, 2022