Concerning News : Padina sanctae-crucis disappears from Vauxhall Reef, Barbados 1Feb2019

UPDATE July 1, 2023: In the Vauxhall Reef area this past winter I observed healthy Padina, but not on the reef flat where it had once been abundant, rather it was on rocks near shore in the beach area.
Going through my recent and older photographs of the reef flat on Vauxhall Reef, I realized that Padina sanctae-crucis was absent in my recent 2019 photos, but was present in photos taken in each of the winters of 2015,2016, 2017 and 2018. So

I checked the area out over the last couple of days, and also traversed nearby fringing reefs over about 800 m towards the north.


I don’t know what that means, but on Jan 30, 2019 asked on the CORALL Facebook page whether anyone else has noticed the plant recently.

It’s not necessarily bad, for example, the loss of P. sanctae-crucis might be due to increased feeding by nearshore herbiverous fishes.

Posted in Holetown area, seaweeds, Vauxhall Reef | Leave a comment

Good News: Fused Staghorn Coral doing well on Vauxhall Reef, Barbados 1Feb2019

The first place I head for when I return to Barbados is a little section of the Vauxhall Reef where in 2015, I found some colonies of Acropora prolifera, the Fused Staghorn Coral I always wonder” Are they still there? They were/are and seem to be thriving, still.

Here’s an example:

Posted in Holetown area, seaweeds, Vauxhall Reef | Leave a comment