Screenshot of page 6 from the Report Card. At a glance, you can compare relative abundance of major groups on 3 reef types in Barbados
CERMES, the Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies at Cave Hill, Barbados has issued a “Report Card” for the coral reefs of Barbados. From the publication (JA Irvine et al., 2021) reporting on how it was developed:
The 2020 coral reef report card for Barbados serves to collate decades of existing data into an appealing and easily understood document, to inform policy makers and the general public about the status and trends of the island’s valuable coral reefs.
Indeed it does just that.
View the Report Card on PDF pages 31 to 52 of this publication:
A coral report card for Barbados: Development, design and metadata
JA Irvine, HA Oxenford and R. Suckoo. 2021. CERMES Technical Report No