There are many pages related to wildfires, but the navigation system is not well integrated.
NRR: Wildfire Management – Modeling
“In the everyday work at Forest Protection it is quite common to use a number of modeling and data manipulation tools to be effective and efficient. Some very common tools are Burn-P3, BioSIM, and ArcGIS.
This is a model which is used to evaluate wildfire susceptibility over large fire prone landscapes. This simulation model combines deterministic fire growth modeling with probabilistic model inputs. The outcome allows a ‘Burn Probability’ map to be produced among other things.”

Click on image for larger version. Or go to webpage
More about Burn-P3: see
Also 2005 Documen: Mapping wildfire susceptibility with the BURN-P3 simulation model
NRR: Wildfire
Subsections are Fire Danger Forecasts
Wildfire Prevention
Campfire Safety
Burning Restrictions
Wildfire Detection
Wildfire Suppression
Fire Equipment
Fire Crews
Fire Statistics
Separate: Fire Danger Forecasts
Media Guide to Forest Fires – Anatomy of a Forest Fire
Media Guide to Forest Fires
Basic Forest Fire Suppression Course – Online Lessons
Incomplete. Clearly sections are missing. (e.g., on Fuels, listed but not there).