Author Archives: David Patriquin

‘Terminating versicolor/nstriad 5Jun2024

The website as is will stay posted for a year at least. But I wont be making any additions, updates or new posts. I am putting the efforts I put into this nstriad site into a new, group venture, … Continue reading

Posted in website | Comments Off on ‘Terminating versicolor/nstriad 5Jun2024

What’s it take to convince Nova Scotia DNRR to give interim protection to an area with 33 occurrences of SAR Old Growth Forest Indicators? 15Mar2024

That’s what Forest Protector Nina Newington asked on Day 13 of “Lichen Camp”. Forty SAR occurrences, 33 of them an old growth forest indicator species, are not enough, it seems, to convince DNRR to give the whole area interim protection … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, NS NRR, Triad, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on What’s it take to convince Nova Scotia DNRR to give interim protection to an area with 33 occurrences of SAR Old Growth Forest Indicators? 15Mar2024

BDO Zone Initiative issues an “A-rating” for Southwest Nova Scotia as a location to develop “Bioeconomy Projects” 4Feb2024

This latest “Bioeconomy” initiative would involve use of 550,000 green metric tons per year of sawmill residuals and by-product wood fibre from the forest sector. In the formal BDO Zone Report, cautions are expressed that are not amongst the highlights … Continue reading

Posted in Ecological Forestry, Forest Bioenergy, Forestry in Nova Scotia, NS NRR, Triad | Comments Off on BDO Zone Initiative issues an “A-rating” for Southwest Nova Scotia as a location to develop “Bioeconomy Projects” 4Feb2024

Could Nova Scotia-produced Mass Timber reduce our housing shortage AND save our Old Forests? 7Jan2024

The first Mass Timber manufacturing facility east of Quebec is due to begin production in Hants Co., N.S. in 2026 and could supply as much as 1/4 of the housing supply in NS by the end the decade.  Can it … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Forestry in Nova Scotia, Triad, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Could Nova Scotia-produced Mass Timber reduce our housing shortage AND save our Old Forests? 7Jan2024

Would “thinning areas where harvesting isn’t allowed” as advocated by Forest Nova Scotia reduce wildfire risk? 23Nov2023

Forest Nova Scotia, “the largest organization of forest interests in the province of Nova Scotia, on the East coast of Canada” says it would. In recent blog posts, the organization also maintains that we are “worsening climate change and increasing … Continue reading

Posted in Fire, Forestry in Nova Scotia, Triad | Comments Off on Would “thinning areas where harvesting isn’t allowed” as advocated by Forest Nova Scotia reduce wildfire risk? 23Nov2023

Nova Scotia NRR seeking Program Admin Officer 4 (Resource Forester) 17Nov2023.

It’s difficult for the public to find much out about ” who does what at NRR”  – the positions that exist at NRR,  the overall hierarchy, and what individuals/the department accomplish and plan in a particular year. There are no … Continue reading

Posted in NS NRR | Comments Off on Nova Scotia NRR seeking Program Admin Officer 4 (Resource Forester) 17Nov2023.

Halifax Councillor requests staff report on plan to address Hemlock Wooly Adelgid threat to Eastern Hemlock in HRM 13Nov2023

——- UPDATE Nov 16, 2023: Councillor Morse was asked to include Sandy Lake and Sackville Lake Parks in the mention of Hemlock in HRM; she agreed, the motion passed unanimously. ——- Presence of Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, aka the “Hemlock Vampires” … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, HWA, Pests & Diseases, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on Halifax Councillor requests staff report on plan to address Hemlock Wooly Adelgid threat to Eastern Hemlock in HRM 13Nov2023

Sunday Oct 22, 2023: Chebucto Moose Field Meeting

Details & Registration Here

Posted in Conservation, Wabanaki Forest, Wildlife | Comments Off on Sunday Oct 22, 2023: Chebucto Moose Field Meeting

Call for “Hemlock Heroes” in Nova Scotia 15Jun2023

“Hemlock Heroes are trained citizens who volunteer to help save tall, dark hemlock forest ecosystems. Becoming a Hemlock Hero enables you to participate in a great cause to conserve some of the finest old growth forests in the province [Nova … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Pests & Diseases, Wabanaki Forest | Leave a comment

Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023

In Nova Scotia, forestry operations are not  required to pause during nesting season, or even to reduce the risk of igniting a fire during the worst fire season ever. ——– UPDATE June 4, 2023: A  significant rain break beginning late … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Fire, Forestry in Nova Scotia | Comments Off on Forest fires rage in Nova Scotia, Premier bans forest activities, but not those of forestry 1Jun2023