Harvest Notices

Continued from NSFN
Received as a subscriber to Forest Maps, always with the message: “As of June 2, 2021, only emails submitted using the comment function on the Harvest Plans Map Viewer will be considered during the harvest plan review process. For additional help on how to make a comment please see the “HELP” link at the top of the Harvest Plans Map Viewer. The intent of the Harvest Plans Map Viewer is to seek information currently not known to the department at a site level that is being proposed for harvest. If your comment provides information about the proposed harvest plan that is specific to the site, the department may contact you for further detail. The Harvest Plan Map Viewer has been updated as of Thursday, June 29, 2023. Please refer to the following location: https:\\nsgi.novascotia.ca\hpmv\ .”

NRR does not share with the public its or the forest industries’ spatial and longer term, more comprehensive planning for these harvests. The introduction of an EA process that would do just that was recommended by the Independent Review and much of the needed development was completed, but it was dropped by the government earlier in 2023 without explanation. (See Post 11Feb2023).

May 30, 2024: Harvest Plan Map Viewer – Legend Update
On May 30, 2024, the Harvest Plans Map Viewer legend will be updated. The update incorporates changes associated with the continued implementation of Ecological Forestry on Crown as recommended in the Forest Practices Report (2018) by Professor Lahey. The update includes 4 areas of change.

1. All proposed prescriptions will be identified based on their zone within the ecological forestry triad (Ecological Matrix or High Production Forestry). Conservation areas are represented in the legend under the Nova Scotia Environment – Protected Areas header and Natural Resources and Renewables – Parks, where no harvesting occurs.

2. A new prescription named “Early Tending” will be added to the legend under High Production Forestry. This symbology represents prescriptions that do not remove merchantable timber from the site. Early Tending prescriptions are intended to help younger trees increase growth and improve stand composition of tree quality and health. Examples include tree planting, weeding and/or pre commercially thinning areas to ensure crop trees have adequate space to grow. Early Tending areas will only be identified on proposed High Production Forestry sites.

3. The prescription “Crop Tree Release” is being removed from the legend as it is a non-merchantable silviculture prescription used only in the Ecological Matrix zone of the triad. Additionally, prescription types: “Group Selection with Reserves”, and “Single Tree Selection” are being combined into a single prescription type named “Selection” in the legend. If a proposed “Selection” plan is clicked by a user, the text box will still provide specific prescription information about the proposed plan.

4. The Outcomes Based Forestry pilot project being conducted within Ecodistrict 210 on the Cape Breton Highlands with Port Hawkesbury Paper, will be represented using pink/rose symbology. All public comments received through the Harvest Plans Map Viewer relating to operational planning will be responded to by Port Hawkesbury Paper.

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 16May24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 07May24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 18April24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 04April24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 28March24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 14March24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 22February24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 15February24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 01February24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 23January24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 11January24

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 27December2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 14December2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 04December2023
176 ha in Annapolis Co.

= NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 21November2023
Some are re-listed from Nov 9, e.g. the 52 ha in Anna. Co., more from Lunenburg Co. (I have sent a message to Forestry Maps, asking if they have any comment.)

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 09November2023
52 ha in Anna. Co

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 31October2023

Notice for Oct 3, 2023: “Note there were no new harvest submissions for this period”

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 19October2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 10_October_2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 19Sept2023. View some related maps. Comment: It’s difficult to see how 10% VR on this already highly damaged landscape is in any way consistent with the NS Government’s expressed commitment to Ecological Forestry on our Crown lands

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 07Sept2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 31August2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 21August2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 28July2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 10July2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 27June2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 15June2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 08June2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 25may2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 16may2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 04may2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 25April2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 17April2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 06April2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 27march2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 14march2023_v1

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 02march2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 21February2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 09February2023

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 01February2023

“One doozy of a clearcut added to the harvest plans map today. 839 acres above Lake Ainslie. This is boreal forest – the habitat of our provincially endangered American marten, endangered Canada lynx and endangered Canada warbler.” Read More

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 10January2023

Jan 3, 2023: The Harvest Plan Map Viewer has been updated as of Tuesday, January 3, 2023. There are no new submissions in this update. Please refer to the following location: https:\\nsgi.novascotia.ca\hpmv\ The next update is scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2023.

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 20Dec2022

Blocks in Colchester Co. slated for Salvage + Retention cited in Dec 20, 2022 Harvest Plan Announcement. Greenish Blue is a Protected Area. Info for one of the Salvage Blocks is shown

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 12Dec2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 29Nov2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 25Nov2022 From the notice received by e-mail” NOTE: The report is based on the status of “New – Open for Comment”. Because this is mid update cycle, the attached report will include the “New – Open for Comment” from Monday as well as the new Salvage with Retention treatments.” Comment: there is no explanation as to why the Comment Period for new Salvage Treatments is only 10 days. I sent an inquiry about it. Response: “In this case where a proposed salvage plan is posted to the HPMV and overlaps a previously approved harvest plan the comment review period is 10 days. This is consistent with other 10 day posting periods where there is a reduction in a prescriptions retention of an area that has been previously posted. The 10 day posting is in addition to the original 40 day open for comment period for the overlapped plan.”

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 21Nov2022

– Nov 10, 2022: “The Harvest Plan Map Viewer has been updated as of Thursday, November 10, 2022. Please refer to the following location: https:\\nsgi.novascotia.ca\hpmv\. There were no additions to this update. ”

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 31Oct2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 20October2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 11Oct2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 20Sept2022
Presumably the issue cited below has been fixed, no clarification was given in the mail-out.

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 8Sept2022
“Due to ongoing technical issues with the comment tool, if you plan on providing feedback on proposed harvest plans PI225644, IN224416 or GW225013 please email forestrymaps@novascotia.ca directly.”

Technical issues with comment form on Forestry Maps, Sep 1, 2022.
Click on image for larger version

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 18August2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 8AUG2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 28July2022

NEW – Crown Land Harvest Plans 18July2022