More updates from Nova Scotia NRR including Triad info. on Harvest Plan Map Viewer 27Apr2023

Received from Forestry Maps today:

New Map Legend

The Harvest Plans Map Viewer is receiving an update to its legend that aligns with the Department’s continued work towards the implementation of Ecological Forestry on Crown lands.

The updated legend, shown below, has two (2) new prescriptions categories.  The first prescription category is “Research Trial” and the second is “Final Felling”.

The “Research Trial” prescription (seen as red in the legend) applies to proposed harvest areas that will be established to support continuing forest management research objectives on Crown lands. For more information about research conducted by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, you are encouraged to read more here: Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Technical Report Series | .

The “Final Felling” prescription (seen as deep purple in the legend) applies to proposed harvest areas managed in the High Production Forestry (HPF) zone.  Further information outlining the Department’s work to implement High Production Forestry can be found here:  Ecological forestry – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada.  An online High Production Forestry map has been produced that shows sites that may be included in the HPF zone of the triad.  To view this map please visit this website: High Production Forest Zone Potential Sites (

Additionally, when “Open for Comment” polygons are selected, and the detailed information text box appears, the specific prescription will be visible as well as the corresponding Triad Zone, which distinguishes between the Ecological Matrix or High Production zones.
Forestry Maps
Department Natural Resources and Renewables
Logo (not shown)

The update is appreciated but respectfully to NRR, I still find it very difficult to keep track of ‘what’s going on in relation to forests and forestry’ at DNR/L&F/now NRR. A lot of the materials posted on the ‘old website’ – that which existed up until the change of government in 2021 – disappeared and the overall organization of the new website is difficult to discern. As I have commented when the Liberals were running the show, there is still no annual report available to the public listing and commenting on new projects, ongoing projects, publications etc and on who is doing what.   The department remains largely a “black box” to the public.

I post new Harvest Notices on this website as I receive them.

It seems, at least for now,  that the intention of NRR is to maintain postings on the HPMV and the separate Harvest Notices  as the principal venue to inform and receive feedback from the public regarding new harvests (re: the once planned Environmental Assessments – see post 11Feb2023.)


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