In Nova Scotia, forestry operations are not required to pause during nesting season, or even to reduce the risk of igniting a fire during the worst fire season ever.

Halifax area weather June 2 onward
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UPDATE June 4, 2023: A significant rain break beginning late June 2; much better control achieved by June 4 – see NRR News Release
UPDATE June 3, 2023: Liberal leader calls for a halt to all forestry activity until Nova Scotia gets rain
UPDATE June 1, 2023: Nova Scotia wildfires put timber harvesting on hold
Bill Spurr Saltwire, June 1, 2023 “Wildfires in Nova Scotia are damaging employment at the same time they’re destroying homes…“Loggers on Crown land are permitted to work at night due to the lower temperatures and lower wind speeds, which significantly reduce the chance of uncontrolled starts and spreads of fire.”
UPDATE: Also view “Safety is our top priority,” unless you’re a logging company, then the profit motive is by Linda Pannozzo in the Quaking Swamp Journal, May 31, 2023

Evening sun, Halifax area on May 28, 2023. Forest fires are raging in the province – See NASA
I just read a letter by Annapolis Valley naturalist Bev Wigney sent yesterday to Premier Houston and NRR Minister Tory Rushton in which she appeals to them to to “shut down forestry operations completely, with *no loopholes*”.
I had read yesterday the headline and first few lines in the news about the ban:
‘For God’s sake, stop burning’: N.S. premier bans all activity in forests, urges residents to abide by burn ban‘ (CTV Atlantic news May 31, 2023)… Premier Tim Houston has banned all activity in forests as of Tuesday, and says the wildfire damage is “extensive” and “heartbreaking.”
I felt encouraged the premier had acted so forcefully in this instance so I wondered if Bev Wigney had made a mistake – the headlines had announced that all activity in forests is banned.
She didn’t. Continue reading →