Reef Pics & Videos 2023


A Photo Diary: Vauxhall Reef & Environs, Folkestone MPA, Barbados Jan to Apr 2023
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Blue Tang Therapy on the Vauxhall Reef (Barbados)
On Jan 25, 2023, I had been documenting the the initial appearance of an aggressive coral disease on this reef… and needed a break. There is nothing quite like drifting with a school of Blue Tang betwixt and between the coral outcrops; they seem completely unbothered by my presence, and I begin to feel like I am one of them.
Venus Sea Fan
Feb 27, 2023. Venus Sea Fan on otherwise barren appearing landscape in the Folkestone Marine Protected Area in Barbados.
Cities of Gold
Mar 6, 2023.The “Cities of Gold” are formed by “Squarrose Stinging Coral”, consisting of many little boxes with many inhabitants, and always there is a swarm of little fish around them, some inside the boxes.
Turtle Daze
Mar 28, 2023. I spent a little time drifting with this Hawksbill turtle at Vauxhall Reef in the Folkestone Marine Protected Area, as it turned out, for one whole breath of the turtle.
Horse-eye Jacks
Mar 29, 2023.Horse Eye Jacks in the Folkestone Marine Protected Area in Barbados.
Follow the Flounder
Apr 2, 2023. A few moments with a Peacock Flounder in the Folkestone Marine Protected Area, Barbados.
Scrawled File fish on the Fused Staghorn Coral Complex
Apr 3, 2024. Evidently, Palythoa mammillosa (a zooanthid) was on the menu. Video on Vauxhall Reef in the Folkestone Marine Protected Area, Barbados. There is a humming sound, apparently associated with the Filefish.