Category Archives: Invasive Species

Recent AGRRA Webinars examine Coral Bleaching, Invasive Soft Coral, Restoration Efforts, Acropora Heat Mortality 6Jun2024

The Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) website at offers a large suite of educational materials and regional databases/interactive maps related to coral reefs in the Caribbean. A few of the resources are highlighted below. Cited as New … Continue reading

Posted in Acroporoids, Extreme Warming/Coral Bleaching, Invasive Species, Reef Health, Reef restoration | Comments Off on Recent AGRRA Webinars examine Coral Bleaching, Invasive Soft Coral, Restoration Efforts, Acropora Heat Mortality 6Jun2024

Keep an eye out in Barbados for invasive “stoloniferous fire coral” 23Feb2024

As if Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease which took off in Barbados in 2023, followed by widespread coral bleaching associated with extreme warming  weren’t enough to challenge our reefs, now marine biologists in the Caribbean are on the lookout for … Continue reading

Posted in Barbados, Invasive Species | Comments Off on Keep an eye out in Barbados for invasive “stoloniferous fire coral” 23Feb2024