Monthly Archives: June 2024

Barbados Marine Spatial Plan process (BMSP) seeking feedback 22Jun2024

On the Barbados Marine Spatial Plan Facebook Page, posted June 18, 2024: Barbados, we’d love your feedback! We’re calling on you to add your voice to the marine spatial planning process by taking our brief survey, which will help us … Continue reading

Posted in Barbados | Comments Off on Barbados Marine Spatial Plan process (BMSP) seeking feedback 22Jun2024

CERMES: Sargassum outlook moderate 1 June – 1 September 2024

“Middle islands: Moderate influxes are expected to continue during June with a reduction in July and August.” That is a bit of a downgrade from the previous forecast.

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New initiative to preserve and protect island’s coral reefs 6Jun2024

The Folkestone Park and Marine Reserve hosted an Open Day Wednesday, June 5, in celebration of World Environment Day and Oceans Day. View YouTube Video: Push to preserve and protect island’s coral reefs in which Acting Manager of Folkestone Marine … Continue reading

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Recent AGRRA Webinars examine Coral Bleaching, Invasive Soft Coral, Restoration Efforts, Acropora Heat Mortality 6Jun2024

The Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) website at offers a large suite of educational materials and regional databases/interactive maps related to coral reefs in the Caribbean. A few of the resources are highlighted below. Cited as New … Continue reading

Posted in Acroporoids, Extreme Warming/Coral Bleaching, Invasive Species, Reef Health, Reef restoration | Comments Off on Recent AGRRA Webinars examine Coral Bleaching, Invasive Soft Coral, Restoration Efforts, Acropora Heat Mortality 6Jun2024

CERMES: Sargassum outlook severe 29Apr to 30Jul2024

“Middle islands: Moderate to severe influxes are expected over the next 2 months with severe accumulations in July.” Read more in the Sargassum Sub-regional Outlook Bulletin by the Sargassum Team at The Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) … Continue reading

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