Who does what at NRR

It was difficult enough under the Liberal government and those before to find out Who Does What at NRR (L&F, DNR of the past). Under Who Does What on nsforestnotess.ca I wrote in 2016:

The Lands and Forestry website does not provide much detail about who does what at DNR beyond listing some of the staff in various sections. There is next to no information about the qualifications and backgrounds of directors and staff. There are no annual reports describing activities and outcomes over the previous year in any detail. Below is what I have been able to find out about who does what related to forestry.

The statement remains true, but the  current website is even more difficult to negotiate. Also as I have noted under Re-Archive on this website, a lot of still relevant historical materials have apparently been deleted entirely.

There are two sets of website pages for NRR and the NS Government at large,  some under https://beta.novascotia.ca/ – presumably the newer set, and some under https://novascotia.ca/.

I refer to these as the Beta WebSite, and the Old WebSite respectively.

I found only one staff directory, listed under the Old WebSite:

Forestry Staff Directory
4 categories: Administration and Support Services, Research & Planning, Management Planning, Forest Inventory,Strathlorne Forest Nursery.

For each it lists the Name, Position description, Phone Number. It appears to be up-to-date, but who knows?

Currently, I can find no other list of personnel and positions, contact info under this page on the Old WebSite for ‘Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
or this page on the Beta WebSite for  Department of Natural Resources and Renewables

There is this page, located under the Beta WebSite Contact Us page for the NS Government: Department of Natural Resources and Renewables: contacts; it gives for NRR, a single phone number, address and mailing address.

Evidently,  the Strategy for Improving Openness, Transparency, Collaboration and Accountability component of the Independent Review process remans to be acted on.