At NS Universities & Colleges


There is no”forestry school” as such in NS. The only “English Faculty of Forestry in Atlantic Canada” is at UNB (see UNB: Forestry).
There is also a Maritime College of Forest Technology at UNB

There is a Centre of Forest Innovation at the NS Community College

A lot of research on forests and forestry and related graduate and undergraduate degrees, classes etc occur at Dalhousie’s SRES (School for Resource and Environmental Studies), a lot of which was initiated by Profs Bill Freedman, Karen Beazley (recently retired) and Peter Duinker (retired).  Alan Westwood is a recently hired prof. who conducts research on forest ecology; she is the lead researcher for a recently awarded grant for the study of ecological aspects of forests and forestry in NS. Consult their cvs for related research.

The late (2015) Dr Bill Freedman was a Dal Prof, cross-appointed at Dal SRES for many years, and conducted a lot of research related to forests and forestry in the Maritimes beginning circa 1981. The 6th Ed of his Environmental Science textbook is available online and contains a lot of referenced descriptive text related to forests and forestry in NS and Canada (references up to 2015), e.g. view Chapter 23 ~ Environmental Effects of Forestry.

A lot more to be compiled and added!