Category Archives: Holetown area

AGRRA confirms presence of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in Barbados 10May2023

UPDATE 30 May, 2023: McGill students release their final report: Occurrence of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease on Vauxhall Reef and a Breakwater in the Folkstone Marine Protected Area of Barbados (28.7 MB) —————– “Stony coral tissue loss diseaseĀ (SCTLD) is … Continue reading

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Good News 1Feb2019: Clusters of Diadema on reef front, Barbados 1Feb2019

Yesterday, I snorkelled the reef front area off of Holetown. As well as funding some quite healthy coral communities at about 15-20 ft depth, I found clusters of the black sea urchin Diadema antillarum at one spot. The GPS on … Continue reading

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Concerning News : Padina sanctae-crucis disappears from Vauxhall Reef, Barbados 1Feb2019

UPDATE July 1, 2023: In the Vauxhall Reef area this past winter I observed healthy Padina, but not on the reef flat where it had once been abundant, rather it was on rocks near shore in the beach area. ———– … Continue reading

Posted in Holetown area, seaweeds, Vauxhall Reef | Leave a comment

Good News: Fused Staghorn Coral doing well on Vauxhall Reef, Barbados 1Feb2019

The first place I head for when I return to Barbados is a little section of the Vauxhall Reef where in 2015, I found some colonies of Acropora prolifera, the Fused Staghorn Coral I always wonder” Are they still there? … Continue reading

Posted in Holetown area, seaweeds, Vauxhall Reef | Leave a comment