A. palmata

This specimen of A. palmata survived 2023 apparently unscathed. Viewed on Jan 31, 2024

View these subpages with photos of A.palmata and showing effects of coral bleaching in 2023.

Acropora palmata On Vauxhall Reef (Reef 34)

A palmata in nearshore MPA north of Vauxhall: Fringing Reef 33

A. palmata in nearshore MPA north of Vauxhall: Fringing Reef 32

A. palmata in nearshore MPA north of Vauxhall: Breakwaters

A. palmata in nearshore MPA north of Vauxhall: Reef 30

For some background on the Vauxhall Reef, occurrence of Acroporoids on the reef, see:
Photographs 2015/2016 (mostly at Vauxhall)