Land Mgmt

What happens on land can have a big impact on the marine coastal environment. 

Achieving Sustainability in Barbados: Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty
R Mahon – pp 152 to 167 in Preserving Paradise, S. Carrington (Ed) A series of lectures to commemorate the life and work of the late Dr. Colin Hudson. Barbados Museum and Historical Society, St. Michael, Barbados. Inlcudes a section on West Coast Gully Outlets, with maps, photos.

The State of Nearshore Marine Habitats in the Wider Caribbean
United Nations Environment Programme – Caribbean Environment Programme (UNEP-CEP) Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI), Technical Report No. 1 176 pages

Progress with environmental sustainability in Barbados in 50 years of independence
Mahon, R. 2019. CERMES Technical Report No. 96, 31p.

Confronting the Challenges of Sewerage Management in the Caribbean: A Case Study from the Island of Barbados
L Nurse et al., 2012. in, pp30-43.

Climate Change, Water Resource Management and Flood Resilience in Barbados
Case Study description by ” Baird was retained by the Government of Barbados to undertake a comprehensive program to improve stormwater management and flood resilience… Funded by USAID, the study program took a forward-looking, integrated approach to the long-term sustainability of water resources in Barbados. This initiative aimed to lessen the potential effects of climate change, reduce the devastating impacts of flooding in targeted areas and increase overall water resilience. The major components of this study were:
A Revised Stormwater Management Plan for the West Coast of Barbados
-Identification of flood reduction measures in the Trents/Holetown Area
Creation of a plan to manage one of the last remnants of natural coastal wetland in Barbados, the Holetown Lagoon
-A field investigation and numerical modelling to quantify stormwater and groundwater quality
-Completion of an Education, Awareness, Outreach and Training program for Government and the public at large
-Development of a plan for Government Institutional Strengthening to address water resource concerns
-Design and implementation of selected improvements to stormwater

Runoff Water Quality, Landuse and Environmental Impacts on the Bellairs Fringing Reef, Barbados
Marko Tosic et al., 2010 Chapter in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Coastal Ecosystem Assessment and Management pp 521–553. View also: Tosic M (2007) Impacts of landuse and runoff water quality on coral reef environments in Barbados. MSc Thesis, McGill University of the references cited:Bellairs Research Institute (1997) Environmental deteriorationndwater quality at fringing reefs on the west coast of Barbados.Report prepared for Stanley International and the Government ofBarbadosBrathwaite RJ (2004) Pollution effects and remediation strategy for the Holetown Lagoon. MSc Thesis, University of the West Indies

Lewis JB (1985) Groundwater discharge onto coral reefs, Barbados (West Indies). In: Gabrie C, Harmelin M (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress. Tahiti, pp477–481

Lewis JB (1987) Measurements of groundwater seepage flux onto a coral-reef – Spatial and temporal variations. Limnol Oceanogr 32(5):1165–1169

Lewis JB (2002) Evidence from aerial photography of structural loss of coral reefs at Barbados, West Indies. Coral Reefs 21(1):49–56

Risk MJ, Nairn R, Hunte W, Sherwood O, Sammarco P, Brathwaite A, Weatherhead L, Goodridge R (2007) Better water quality brings back corals: Worthing, Barbados. Conference Presentation at the 30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Montreal, Quebec

Sander F (1981) A preliminary assessment of the main causative mechanisms of the “island mass” effect of Barbados. Mar Biol 64(2):199–205

Tomascik T, Sander F (1985) Effects of eutrophication on reef-building corals. 1.Growth-rate of the reef-building coral Montastrea annularis. Mar Biol 87(2):143–155

Wellington C (1999) A nutrient mass balance for nitrogen and phosphorous for the nearshore water of the west coast of Barbados, W.I., July 1996 to May 1997. MSc Thesis, McGill University

Strategic Policies  2017 doc