Hunting Season!
Oct 29, 2014: Deer hunting season begins this Friday October 31st (season always begins on the last Friday of October) and goes to the first Saturday of December, inclusive, excluding Sundays. Wear hunter orange when you are out on The Bluff Trail and put an orange vest on your dog. Deer hunting is permitted on protected land and that includes the area of The Bluff Trail. Both hikers and hunters should use extra caution during this season. View DatesSunday Nov 2, 2014: Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Trails Project
Oct. 28, 2014: The Blue Mountain - Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area (BMBCL) is a spectacular near-urban wilderness located on the doorstep of Halifax. The site is comprised of public land totalling approximately 1,300 Hectares located to the west of Halifax-Bedford urban areas and Highway 102. "Please drop in to our community engagement session on November 2 to discuss the project and share your ideas with us." Sunday November 2, 2014 2:00pm-6:00pm,St. Peter's Anglican Church, 3 Dakin Dr, Halifax. More Info | Poster
"Buy Back the Mersey Again"
Oct 22, 2014: The Hubley Community Centre was packed on Monday evening with well over 150 in attendance and excellent presentations from Geoff LeBoutillier, Jamie Simpson, Will Martin, and Matt Miller and an extended discussion from the floor. The Medway Community Forests project headed by Will Martin is going ahead, but the Province rejected the bid from the St. Margaret's district to have a community forest operation, while making 10 year deals to clearcut large tracts for fibre and biomass. There is some sign that the Province is ready to make some concessions to transparency (e.g., by providing maps of the proposed clear-cuts). But as before, DNR has a serious conflict of interest as it is responsible for promoting forestry (and favours the big players over the small), while also responsible for forest management and biodiversity. As well, there is no collaborative process for planning community forests and in general, DNR is not providing an effective process for public input on the management of publicly owned forests. Five to seven focused demands to make to the Province to address these issues arose from the meeting. We expect to hear more soon.Monday Oct 20, 2014 at 7 pm: What Ever Became of Buy Back the Mersey
Oct. 8, 2014, reposted Oct 18: "Two years ago...right here at this very spot, Hubley, NS, the province-wide Buy Back the Mersey movement was born. Thousands of volunteer hours later, the province did just that - they bought back the former Bowater-Mersey lands. [But now] Our own Department of Natural Resources is licensing harvest on OUR lands, with no transparency, no accountability, and no assurance of good practices." Please come to the Hubley Community Centre, 4408 St. Margaret's Bay Rd. Monday Oct 20, 2014 at 7 pm to urge the government to keep commitments to better forest practices on the Western Crown Lands and for more open, honest communication.View Poster. For some comments, see
- Nova Scotia clearcut 'undermines' conservation commitment
- SURETTE: Natural Resources, torn between conservation and clearcutting, must be split up
- Forestry in N.S. largely lawless
- WRWEO letter of Feb 15, 2014
MORE - Oct 18: - Group slams lack of Mersey progress
-The hollow trunk of forestry 'collaboration' And for an illustration of why Matt is frustrated: COUNTERPOINT: In defence of clearcutting
Wed Oct 15: McIntosh Run Info & Call for Volunteers
Oct. 10, 2014: The McIntosh Run Watershed Association is excited to announce an Information Session and Call for Volunteers for the Active Recreation Singletrack Trails. Wednesday October 15. 5-7 drop-in Open House. 7pm Presentation. Spryfield Community Centre, 16 Sussex Street, Halifax. More Info.
"Time to move biodiversity and wildlife to Environment"
Oct 4, 2014: In an opinion piece in the Oct 4 Chronicle Herald, Jamie Simpson cites the clearcutting of environmentally sensitive Western crown Lands as evidence that responsibility for protecting for biodiversity and wildlife should be moved from the N.S. Dept. Natural Resources to N.S. Dept. of Environment. Read moreCobequid Ecotrails work day Saturday Oct 4
Oct. 2, 2014: Trail enthusiasts are invited to participate in a work day on the Yellow Birch trail (Gully Lake Wilderness Area). They will be fixing wet areas, defining the trail, moving rocks etc. Dress in layers, wear sturdy footwear and bring gloves. Tools will be provided. A BBQ will be held at lunch time. View DetailsSat Oct 4: The second page of the Details Document describes another workshop at Thomas' Cove on Sun. Oct 5 - this had to be cancelled.
Thursday, September 25
Report on Nine Mile River Project
Sep. 16, 2014: At a public meeting of the Council of Community Organizations (COCO), Lauren Slaunwhite will talk about about her watershed project this past summer on the upper reaches of the Nine Mile River, north of Highway 103. Lauren conducted her work under the auspices of the Clean NS in partnership with Five bridges Wilderness Heritage Trust, under the leadership of Peter Lund. All are invited to attend. After gathering and assimilating GIS available mapping on land use, geology, etc, 7 key surface water sampling stations where selected in the upper Nile Mile River Watershed north of HWY 103. These stations represent surface water flow from residential/commercial/industrial developments, along with downstream of Halifax Water treatment plant and pumping stations. Existing Water quality data along Nine Mile River has been obtained from Halifax, Otter Lake Landfill, Brunello Estates, etc, all of which are being combined into a report, which in Peter's words will allow us "to see what information we have to create a move forward plan." All are invited to attend!
Time and place: 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 25 at the Hubley Centre, 4408 St. Margaret's Bay Road
, Lewis Lake. Mushroom Foray Sep 26-28, 2014

Trail User? We invite feedback on condition of The Bluff Trail
Sep 12, 2014: We can use all of the help we can get to maintain and improve The Bluff Trail and the trail experience. One way to assist us is to report on anything you see that requires attention. We have prepared a form for this purpose. View/Download as .doc or .pdf . If you want to volunteer for other tasks, please let us know via theblufftrailATyahoo.ca.
Landfill visible from 2nd, 3rd Loops of The Bluff Trail
Sep 10, 2014: WRWEO Board members Richmond Campbell and David Patriquin have documented visibility of the Otter Lake landfill from the Bluff Trail and commented on the implications of extending the life and size of landfill for The Bluff Trail in a letter to Councillor Reg Rankin (Councillor for the Otter Lake area, Timberlea, Beechville and Clayton Park West and Member of the Halifax Waste Resource Society), coped to other HRM reps. (The SNC-Lavalin Peer Review of April, 2013 conducted tests to assess the visual impacts of an extended landfill, but only from residential view planes.) View letter
DNR and the disappearing science
Aug. 29, 2014: A Halifax Media Co-op article by Robert Devet asks if our forests are "not a renewable resource after all" and highlights nutrient supply issues as a matter of concern. "Poor soils, acid rain and a history of clearcutting make Nova Scotia's forests vulnerable to aggressive harvesting practices, a biologist argues. Yet the Department of Natural Resources is not releasing a scientific report that identifies where not to clearcut." View ArticlePublic meetings, feedback on proposed changes to Halifax's subdivision bylaw
Aug. 9, 2014: From Metro News: " Three public meetings have been scheduled to address proposed changes to the municipality's subdivision bylaw after concerns were raised by developers and HRM staff... The public meetings will be held Aug. 11, 18 and 20 in Dartmouth, Bedford, and Halifax, respectively.... An online survey is available for those interested in commenting on the proposed changes, in addition to mail, email, or fax responses. The deadline is Sept. 5." Read more in Metro News. View Details on HRM site.Cranberry Lake Rockscapes
Aug 7, 2014. Cranberry Lake, at the top of the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area, is barely 15 or 20 minutes drive and a 500 m walk out of downtown Halifax. A paddle from its downstream, north end near Hwy 103 to its southern end with a short portage into Pot Lake, is a journey into wilderness and solitude and much beauty. The granitic rockscapes along the shores present unusual shapes and vistas and being largely inaccessible otherwise, retain rich covers of lichens and low shrubs not seen where they are trampled. View picsSafety-minded ATV Association hard at work

Family Day on The Bluff Trail
July 27, 2014: Five Families with youngsters participated in this WRWEO-sponsored, Nova Scotia Park Event on July 19, 2014 lead by Nanci Lee and David Patriquin, Co-chairs of WRWEO. We were joined as well by Troy & Christa with MoMo, Troy's Seeing-Eye Dog. At the trailhead, participants were given a brief intro. to the ecology of The Bluff Trail, and to using a Map & Compass. Then they set out to search for specific plants at points indicated on a map of The Bluff Trail ("biocaching")... read more
Aquatic Plants of Hubley Big Lake
July 8, 2014, updated Aug 1: WRWEO member David P. has begun a project to document the aquatic plants of Hubley Big Lake, a shallow, bouldery, brown water lake with limited development which receives waters from the upper lakes of the Woodens watershed and spills into the Lower Woodens River (and lakes). View photos of some of these plants in flower on July 7 & 22nd. Added Aug 7: Aquatic Plants of Cranberry and Pot LakesTrail Maintenance RFP
July 8, 2015: WRWEO is looking for bids for brush cutting the last two loops of The Bluff Trail as well as dead-fall removal on the whole trail. If you are a contractor who is interested in submitting a bid for this work please contact Paul Berry (jpaulberry65ATgmail.com) to obtain a map and RFP response template. You will also need to be able to provide details of similar work that you have completed as well as two references from your customers.Basic Map & Compass Skills for Hikers on The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail

Saturday July 19th, 2014 - Family/Youth Day on The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail

Thursday, July 3: Panel Discussion - Creating a Greenbelt Plan for Halifax
June 26, 2014: FUSION Sustainability in partnership with the Ecology Action Centre, HRM Alliance and Dalhousie's Office of Sustainability bring you a great opportunity to explore Greenbelting. What is it? Why are cities doing it? What will it mean for Halifax to have one?Where: Room 1009, Kenneth Rowe Management Building, Dalhousie University
When: 5:30-6:00 pm - Meet and Greet/Networking
6:00-8:00 pm - Panel Discussion
View Facebook Event Page

Tuesday June 24, 2014:
HRM Public Hearing on RP+5
June 18, 2014: The now long-awaited Public Hearing on RP+5 will be held by Halifax Regional Council
commencing on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Halifax
Regional Council Chambers at City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax,
NS. All written and oral presentations will be considered at that time.
Written submissions may be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk by
mail, P.O. Box 1749, Halifax, NS, B3J 3A5; by fax, 490-4208; or by e-mail,
clerks@halifax.ca. Written submissions should be received by the
Municipal Clerk's office as early as possible, but not later than 3:00 p.m.
on Tuesday, June 24, 2014. For a summary of the proposed changes to the Regional Plan, see Notice. OurHRM Alliance (of which WRWEO is a member) supports the revisions to the Regional Plan - please show support by writing a letter &/0r attending &/or speaking at the Public Hearing. See OurHRM Alliance for more details.UPDATE June 25th: Revised Regional Plan Approved. An hour ago on Twitter from OurHRM Alliance: "After over two years of hard work, the revised Regional Plan has passed almost unanimously at council." !!!!!!!!!!
Can our forests sustain continued clearcutting?

Orchids abound on The Bluff Trail
June 17, 2014: I counted 133 Lady's Slippers between the trail head and the Pot Lake junction yesterday. 'Lots else in bloom as summer finally greets us!See pics
Summer Intern Position to investigate aquatic habitat & water quality

Hubley Big Lake paddle this Saturday (May 31)

The start and finish of this outing will be at the Flake Brook landing, at the end of Big Hubley Lake Road. Participants are required to provide their own canoe or seakayak, plus their own safety gear. Bring lunch, drinks, insect repellant and extra clothing for this all-day portage-less trip. Pre-register with Peter Bush at bushpg@gov.ns.ca or at (902) 424-0202. Meeting time is 9:30 AM; rain date is Saturday, June 7. (Received from Dusan Sudec, co-leader for the event)
Bluff Trail ranked high in Globe & Mail
May 23, 2014: "These are Canada's best hiking trails - did your favourite make the list?" The Bluff Trail made it! See article
Journeys Through Eastern Old-Growth Forests
May 21, 2014: There was a booklaunch yesterday for Jamie Simpson's Journeys Through Eastern Old Growth Forests. "Yes, there is old-growth forest in the Maritimes. The Acadian Forest, as it is known, is a complex mosaic of various species and ages. Now left only in pockets scattered here and there, these forests will stop you in your tracks, invite your gaze upward, and fill you with wonder.." Listen to CBC Interview. Jamie had previously authored Restoring the Acadian Forest: A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in the Maritimes.
Cliff Hanger at Regional Council over the Backlands
May 20, 2014: From Metro News: "Tie vote ends development debate on contentious Purcell's Cove backlands issue...City staff will lead a process examining the possibility of bringing the Purcell's Cove backlands into public ownership after a vote defeated the prospect of opening the lands up for development."More on The Amendments (RP+5)
May 17, 2014: The Staff Report was released yesterday. Here are some comments from OurHRM Alliance:Dear Alliance,
Our HRM Alliance fully endorses the staff report on the proposed amendments to the Regional Plan. It uses strong language to reject nearly all amendments. The report can be found here: http://www.halifax.ca/council/agendasc/documents
/140520cow3i.pdf Here are the key points: The report recommends against changing the Purcell's Cove..Read more

Tuesday May 20: RP+5 at Regional Council
May 16, 2014: Whether we keep a strong regional plan could be decided in the coming days. Today, Staff releases their report on the last-minute proposed amendments to the regional plan. On Tuesday May 20: Committee of the Whole meets to discuss the amendments. Depending on time, Regional Council may also be held, in which case the amendments may be decided on the same day. Those who support maintaining a strong regional plan are encouraged to attend Council on Tuesday, May 20th. The amendments would have a huge impact. Urban forests in Purcell's Cove and and near Cole Harbour are at risk. If sewer is extended as far as proposed, we will all pay in dearly in fees and taxes. Some changes could create loopholes that would open up the possibility of development nearly anywhere in the region. Tuesday is an opportunity to show councillors residents do not want rules to be changed the moment they are inconvenient for developers. View A list of the amendments. An article by Tristan Cleveland in the Coast which addresses some of these issues.
Girl Guides & Pathfinders on The Bluff Trail
May 11, 2014: WRWEO Board members lead a Wilderness Workshop for the 1st St. Margaret's Bay Guides & Pathfinders on The Bluff Trail yesterday. The girls learned map skills & to identify some native plants and we talked about "Wilderness" and what it means to us. We all learned a lot! View Pics
Artist Susan Tooke: Bluff Wilderness-Pot Lake, an acrylic on canvas
May 9, 2014: SusanTooke, "an award-winning children's illustrator and painter, exhibits her noisy, kinetic, patterned acrylic landscapes of Canadian woods in punches of red, blue, gold, mauve and green in Woodlands and Watersheds at Gallery Page and Strange, 1869 Granville St., Halifax." Read about her work in the Chronicle Herald, which features her Bluff Wilderness-Pot Lake painting. ""I've become more and more aware of environmental issues. Getting out into places at risk, like the Backlands in (Purcells Cove), makes you appreciate what you have and fearful of losing it."Celebrating Broom Crowberry

It's Spring on The Bluff Trail, Finally!
May 8, 2014 Three "Bluffers" were on The Bluff Trail yesterday, scoping some sites for a wilderness event. Spring was definitely in the air, , with mayflowers and broom crowberry in full bloom and the very first red maple flowers sighted. View PicsWed. May 14, 2014: Flora study of Williams Lake Backlands featured at WLCC AGM
May 7: 2014:

Council to Address Amendments to Regional Plan May 20
May 7, 2014: HRM regional Council will (tentatively) discuss amendments to the Regional Plan that would greatly reduce controls on development and our eventual greenbelt on Tuesday May 20th. OurHRM Alliance opposes these amendments because they were made last-minute, at the first reading of the plan, at which point there is little opportunity for public input. The date of the discussion will remain tentative until May 16, the same day staff will be releasing a report on the proposed amendments. Stay Tuned!It's not Reader's Digest but it is WRWEO DIGEST
May 6, 2014: To help keep WRWEO members informed about events related to WRWEO without excessive e-mails, members are being sent a WRWEO DIGEST periodically. It will also be posted here. See WRWEO DIGEST May 5.
N.S. rapped for hiring former Bowater manager in renewables role
April 29, 2014: A recent hire by the province's Natural Resources Department is drawing concerns that industry is too cozy with the department. Read more in Chronicle Heraldhttp://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/1203782-ns-rapped-for-hiring-former-bowater-manager-in-renewables-role

Sat. May 3, 2014: Backlands 360 Walks
The Backlands Coalition invites Nova Scotians to participate in an afternoon of guided walks in the Backlands on Saturday May 3, organized as part of the annual Jane's Walk events across Canada and around the world. WRWEO is one of the founding members of the Backlands Coalition. More about the walksSpring Fever on The Woodens

Nova Scotia Watershed Assessment Atlas released

Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz - Please join!

Look for & Protect Landbird Species at Risk in the FBLWA and adjacent areas

The Bridge, March 2014 Issue - lots of interest

Keith Croucher of Bike NS is the Guest Speaker for the Five Bridges Trust AGM (Thursday March 27)

Well attended, participatory AGM
March 13, 2014: We had a well attended AGM yesterday evening. A new board was elected, Richmond Campbell was presented with a book "WRWEO Days" in appreciation of his 19 years as Chair or Co-Chair (and for much more), and Nanci Lee and Jessi Filmore led a discussion about Youth and Family Engagement. More
Wed. March 12th: WRWEO AGM
Mar. 8, 2014: We invite everyone with interests in The Bluff Trail, The Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area, and in lakes and streams making up the Woodens River system, or just in "getting outdoors" to participate in a discussion of the types of activities we might undertake over the next few years to engage youth and families. The AGM begins at at 7:00 PM, Tantallon Public Library, doors open at 6:30 to renew membership (or renew online). Read more. The Chairs' Report & Minutes & Reports from the 2013 event are available under the Members tab.
Conservation corridors good for seed dispersal as well as moose
Feb. 27, 2014: The Chebucto Peninsula now has a lot of protected land in big patches and small. To realize their full benefit for conservation, we need to connect them and to provide corridors across hwy103. See Maps. We often plan such corridors for animal movement; a new study shows they also benefit seed dispersal. More about Moose & Wildlife Corridors in the FBLWA here.Saturday, March 1, 2014: Up!Skilling! Festival and Expo

Tuesday Feb 25th: First Reading of Regional Plan
![]() The Future of the Backlands? |
Fives Bridges Trust: The Dump affects us all

WRWEO Joins the Backlands Coalition

Can our forests sustain continued clearcutting?

Tuesday Feb. 11th: RP+5 version 4

Former mayor of Halifax Co. speaks out on Otter Lake Commitments
January 22, 2014: Randy Ball, former mayor of Halifax County, recalls the process and commitments that led to the Otter lake Landfill. Read articleOlder Posts