Olive Sided Flycather by Lower Woodens River, July 2, 2010.
Olive Sided Flycatcher on tall snag by the lower Woodens River, July 2, 2010 (Photo by David P)

Look for & Protect Landbird Species at Risk in the FBLWA and adjacent areas

March 30, 2014: At a recent talk given to the Nova Scotia Bird Society, ornithologist Cindy Staicer described a developing program to enhance conservation of Landbirds Species at Risk in Forested Landscapes. The program is based at Dalhousie University and is being conducted in collaboration with the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute.

The immediate focus is on five species
  • Canada Warbler
  • Olive-sided Flycatcher
  • Rusty Blackbird
  • Common Nighthawk
  • Chimney Swift
For the first four of these species, there is suitable habitat in the FBLWA and either recent or historic observation of their breeding in or close to the FBLWA (see Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas). All have declined between the first MBBA survey (1986-1990) and the second (2006-2010).

Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird breed in wet forest of types present in the FBLWA. The Common Nighthawk prefers dry, open areas with bare ground, with a close proximity to a body of water, such as afforded by barrens in the FBLWA.

Information about these species and what you can do to help is available on their website at http://landbirdsar.merseytobeatic.ca

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