PPP Links

Point Pleasant Park (HRM Webpage)
This page on the Halifax Municipality website at Halifax>Parks, trails, & gardens>Parks and Outdoor spaces>Point Pleasant Park provides general information about the park for users including maps of the trails, hours it’s open etc. View Map of PPP

Point Pleasant Park on Wikipedia
Includes some basic info & stats and sections on History, Monuments and Flora

Point Pleasant Park Advisory Committee
Page on halifax.ca website. Gives Terms of Reference, membership of the committee, staff contact

Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia on i Naturalist
A “Project” on iNaturalist “To collate observations of flora and fauna in Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia, including the intertidal zone” On Oct 6, 2019, 198 different observers had uploaded 2360 Observations including 532 species!

Does Time Heal All Wounds? The Restoration of Place Attachment after Loss of Place: The case study of Point Pleasant Park after Hurricane Juan
MA thesis by Patrick Charles Lewis Larter, SMU, 2016

“Point Pleasant Park” in archived newsletters of the Halifax Field Naturalist
The Halifax Field Naturalist is a newsletter of the Halifax Field Naturalists that has been published 3-4 times a years since 1975. You can search archived issues for specific topics, e.g., “Point Pleasant Park, Hurricane” brings up a list of newsletters where those two words/phrases are found.

Historic StoriesL The Gates to Point Pleasant Park
by Leah Douglas in Neighbours of Halifax South Magazine, May 2024, pages 4-5.