Twenty years ago (Nov 29, 2003)…

Colin Stewart leads discussions
on Nov 29, 2003

“A team of professionals from various agencies and organizations including HRM, DNR, CFIA, Parks Canada, Dalhousie University, and Nova Scotia Field Naturalists, had been assembled to assess risk and develop an approach to the remediation phase. The goal of remediation is to mitigate short term risks while protecting the ability to restore the park over the longer term.” – from HRM Council Report, Jan 13, 2004

On Nov 29, 2003, several Halifax Field Naturalists/Friends of Point Pleasant Park participated in a tour of Point Pleasant Park, followed by a discussion of ‘what to do now’ led by Colin Stewart at Park Maintenance facilities on Point Pleasant Drive.

Colin was a well known and liked naturalist/consultant/NGO leader especially appreciated for his abilities to bring different interests together to discuss and take action on controversial environmental issues.

Colin battled cancer and died on Mar 15, 2004, far too young in life. In the final sentence of a tribute to Colin,  Halifax Field Naturalist colleague Bob McDonald wrote “Even though severely weakened by his illness, Colin continued to work on what was to be his last major challenge: the remediation and restoration of hurricane Juan-devastated Point Pleasant Park”.

Colin’s work set the stage for the widely applauded Comprehensive Plan of 2008.

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What ever happened to the ‘Keep it Natural’ ethic once adopted for Point Pleasant Park, post Hurricane Juan? 25Nov2023

A comment by JackPine22

Thinned –  view walking into the park, not far in, at left  (Nov 3, 2023)
Click on images for larger versions

Thinning of Point Pleasant Park,  begun in 2019 is apparently not yet completed.

From the Point Pleasant Park Operations Update Jul 6, 2023: Phases 1 and 2 of the Forestry Thinning Project are since Completed as of Fall 2020. No Tender will be issued for Phase 3 in 2023, as this project was cut from the Budget. Completion planned for Fall 2024*.
*UPDATE: See Point Pleasant Park Operations Update Jan 3, 2024 “Operations projects completed or to be completed in 2024: …Forestry Thinning Project Final Phase (Fall 2024)

Not Thinned – view to right as walk up to the Marcello Tower (Nov 3, 2023)

Walking the park, the  extensive and intensive thinning within PPP is striking.

Visiting the park with a friend recently, she asked as we walked in -“what happened there?” (see photo above).  It hardly looks ‘natural’ or even attractive at this stage, at least to this viewer and friend.

A bit further on, by the entrance to the Martello Tower, there are some still un-thinned post Juan disturbance stands. To us, at least, the latter is much more natural, more calming (not to mention the chainsaw noise we had to endure during the many months of thinning). Continue reading

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Domain name gone but website remains

Website remains without the domain name

This year when the domain name came up for renewal, we (the group of 3 elders who proposed the site a few years back) decided to do without it as  the site remains publicly available under the URL and that suits our needs.
david p (aka JackPine22)
Fall 2022

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Pileated woodpeckers doing fine in PPP

While those Juan snags (standing dead trees) in Point Pleasant Park are gradually dwindling, they still support at least one pair of pileated woodpeckers, these two sighted today by the shore road:

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Hello world!

The Friends of Point Pleasant Park is being revitalized – the organization that is; the many Friends need no revitalizing!

The old website is at

We have taken out a domain name and are developing this new website at www., as well as bringing our various official papers etc. up-to-date.

Stay tuned!

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