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Crassulaceae: Rhodiola rosea L.
(roseroot, roseroot stonecrop)

Recently used synonym: Sedum rosea (L.) Scop.

Rhodiola rosea is found growing in humus filled cracks on cliffs and over rocks along sea coasts and occasionally farther inland. The four parted female flowers are a rose red colour while the male flowers are greenish yellow, each growing at the tips of separate plants. Broad, flat, glabrous and somewhat fleshy leaves are arranged spirally around stems. They appear to have a waxy bloom on the surface. Rhodiola rosea is a coastal species found in northern Canada and as far south as North Carolina. Roseroot blooms in late may and June.
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May 28, 2005. Digby County: Brier Island. Photographer: Ocotillo.
Sedum rosea Sedum rosea
Sedum rosea Sedumm rosea

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