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Aquifoliaceae: Nemopanthus mucronatus (L.) Loes.
(false holly, mountain holly, catberry)

This sometimes very large shrub is common thoughout Nova Scotia in damp, acid habitats. It has alternately borne, simple (undivided), thin leaves with smooth or finely toothed margins. Small whitish to yellow-green flowers on long pedicels appear in mid spring, male and female flowers on separate plants. The fruit is a deep red drupe. The species is native to eastern North America.
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February 11, 2007. Halifax County: Peggy's Cove area (Chebucto Peninsula). Photographer: JackPine. Notes
Nemopanthus mucronata

Inkberry, Canada holly, false holly,

Nemopanthus mucronata

Inkberry, Canada holly, false holly,

Nemopanthus mucronata Nemopanthus mucronata

May 31, 2006. Halifax County: Black Duck Run (Chebucto Peninsula). Photographer: JackPine.
Nemopanthus mucronata

Inflorescence (female).

Nemopanthus mucronata

May 31, 2007. Halifax County: Herring Cove backlands. Photographer: JackPine.
Nemopanthus mucronata

Plant with male flowers.

Nemopanthus mucronata
Nemopanthus mucronata Nemopanthus mucronata

Bar in photo at leaft is 1 cm.

July 6, 2006 (left) and Aug. 10 (right). Halifax County: Peggy's Cove Barrens. Photographer: JackPine.
Nemopanthus mucronata Nemopanthus mucronata

August 18, 2006. Halifax County: Peggy's Cove Barrens. Photographer: JackPine.

Ravine habitat: N. mucronata formed dense thickets in a ravine about 3 m deep; plants were 4-5 meters in height. At right: witherod (Viburnum lantanoides) in foreground, N. muronatus behind (viewed at the top of the ravine.)


Looking up into the canopy from ravine floor.


September 26, 2005. Halifax County: Pine Island Ponds area (near Herring Cove). Photographer: JackPine.
Nemopanthus mucronata Nemopanthus mucronata

October 1, 2006. Halifax County: Small bog on Herring Cove Road. Photographer: JackPine.

November 30, 2006. Halifax County: Indian Harbour barrens (Chebucto Peninsula). Photographer: JackPine.
Nemopanthus mucronata

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