Maritime nurseries with significant holdings of native species
- Baldwin Nursery (Falmouth, N.S.)
- Berwick Springvale Garden Centre* (Berwick, N.S.)
- Briar Patch Nursery (South Berwick, N.S.)
- Bunchberry Nurseries (Annapolis Royal, N.S.)
- Corn Hill Nursery (near Petitcodiac, N.B.)
- Fernwood Plant Nursery (Hubbards, N.S. Mail-order)
- Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens (at Acadia University in Wolfville, N.S.;
plants available on one day in spring) - Macphail Woods (PEI)
- Sweetwater Native Plant Nursery/Windhorse Farm (New Germany area, N.S.)
- Woodlands and Meadows (Truro area, N.S. )
*The website does not provide a list of species offered, but a pamphlet cites Common Elder, Mountain Maple, Black Ash, Blue Flag Iris, Star Flower, Virginia Rose, Wild Lily of the Valley, red osier Dogwood, Cat tail, teaberry, Winterberry, yellow Birch, Staghorn Sumac, bayberry, Ferns