Links: Conservation/Species at Risk
Naturalization/Native Plant Gardening

Links were verified 10 Jun. 2014.
- Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens
The gardens and greenhouses at the KC irving Centre at Acadia University specialize in native plants and are open daily from dawn until dusk weather permitting. All welcome, free admission. They hold an annual plant sale in early June at which seedlings and larger native plants (e.g. Lobelia cardinalis shown at right, raised from seed) are available at very modest cost.
- Fern Hill Gardens
Botanists Marina Myra and Nick Hill have set up a nursery on a farm in South Berwick, Nova Scotia, for propagating native plants, mostly from seed. The website offers information of the ecology of native species and some perspectives on natural landscapes.
- Evergreen: Native Plant Database
"An easy to use, educational, and interactive project with information about native tree, shrub, wildflower, grass, aquatic and vine species for all of Canada."
- Gardens North
A seedhouse located in Annapolis Royal, N.S. "Our primary business is the sale of hardy native and exotic seeds, both herbaceous and woody." The catalogue includes many native species and provides information about the origin of the species, their presentation and special requirements.
- Macphail Woods Ecological Forestry Project (P.E.I.)
The website provides information on the Acadian Forest and about propagating native shrubs and trees, many of which can be obtained from the MacPhail Nursery. View 2017 catalogue.
- Gardening to Conserve Maine's Landscape
Plants to Use and Plants to Avoid, sections on Trees
Shrubs, Vines and Ground Covers, Perennials: Flowering Plants, Ferns.
- New England Wild Flower Society: Grow
This section of the New England Wild Flower Society website offers many articles related to remediation and naturalization of domestic landscapes, e.g., on making a backyard bog, rain gardens, green roofs. They maintain a living museum of wildflowers in Framingham, Massachusetts.
- University of Connecticut Plant Data Base
"The University of Connecticut has developed this site dedicated to the ornamental attributes, appropriate use and identification of landscape plants. This site is geared toward the teaching of landscape plants and contains valuable information for students, homeowners and plant professionals." Includes data for many native species.
Maritime nurseries with significant holdings of native species
We often get inquiries about where to find nurseries selling native species, so we are starting a list.
Please forward sites for possible inclusion.
- Baldwin Nursery (Falmouth, N.S.)
- Berwick Springvale Garden Centre* (Berwick, N.S.)
- Bunchberry Nurseries (Annapolis Royal, N.S.)
- Corn Hill Nursery (near Petitcodaic, N.B.)
- Fern Hill Gardens (South Berwick, N.S.)
- Fernwood Plant Nursery (Hubbards, N.S. Mail-order)
- Gardens North (Annapolis Royal, N.S.; seeds - mail-order only)
- Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens (at Acadia University in Wolfville, N.S.;
plants available on one day in spring)
- Macphail Woods (PEI)
- Sweetwater Native Plant Nursery/Windhorse Farm
(New Germany area, N.S.)
- Woodlands and Meadows (Truro area, N.S. )
The website does not provide a list of species offered, but a pamphlet cites Common Elder, Mountain Maple, Black Ash, Blue Flag Iris, Star Flower, Virginia Rose, Wild Lily of the Valley, red osier Dogwood, Cat tail, teaberry, Winterberry, yellow Birch, Staghorn Sumac, bayberry, Ferns