
Received from Sarah Weston
University-Community Liaison,
The Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network
Saint Mary's University

Hello everyone,

I am forwarding the following information and attachment on behalf of the International Activities department at Saint Mary's.

Kindest Regards

Green Map Exhibition
March 15th - 19th, 2010 at SMU

Dear Colleagues,

As part of Sustainability Week @ Saint Mary's, the University will host a Green Map Exhibition from March 15th ­ 19th, 2010 to showcase some of the Green Maps our partners have created here in Nova Scotia and beyond! Since 2008, Dr. Cathy Conrad, Director of the CBEMN has worked to implement a public engagement project called Citizen Science: Towards Global Environmental Sustainability. As part of this project she has also worked to engage local and international communities in the Green Mapping movement.

We hope you will take the time to drop by and check out the maps created both by local groups around the province and by our international partners in Kenya, The Gambia, Ecuador and Mongolia. Come explore the movement and imagine the future of sustainability in communities around Nova Scotia and beyond!

For more information about film screenings, events, workshops and speakers during Sustainability Week @ SMU please visit:
www.smu.ca/sustainability .

About Green Mapping
Green Mapping is a unique, interactive and vibrant way of sharing our ideas, goals and dreams of a sustainable earth. The Green Map system is one that promotes inclusive participation in global sustainable development using maps as a medium. The very first green map was created in 1992 in New York City by Wendy Brawer. The map was designed to help tourists, new comers and native New Yorkers develop a sense of sustainability as well as identify the natural sites and culturally significant places that make New York city the vibrant place it is.

Ever since, the green map system has worked with local communities around the world to develop perspective changing community 'portraits', which act as practical guides for tourists and natives alike towards a sustainable environment. The map making process uses adaptable tools and universal iconographies that are understood by green map makers all over the world. The process has resulted in strengthening local-global networks, expanding the demand for healthier greener choices, and spreading of successful initiatives. Since 1992, the green map system has reached over 600 communities in 55 countries. For more information please visit www.greenmap.org .

The Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Network
Saint Mary's University,
Department of Geography, Burke Bldg.
923 Robie Street,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3
Phone: 902.491.6243
E-Mail: environmental.network@smu.ca
Website: http://www.envnetwork.smu.ca

