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Trail Dedication Sign

Sept. 8, 2010: A sign dedicating The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail to wilderness preservation has now been placed at the junction for the Pot Lake Loop, the first of four successive loops making up The Bluff Trail. It's a peaceful, contemplative setting. Reads the sign:
On behalf of all the wild things that make this land their home and with reverence for the First People who preserved this land before us, we dedicate The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail to wilderness preservation. We do this in trust that we can learn its deep beauty, in trust that we can understand and delight in the wildness in ourselves that we share with the rocks, earth, water, and teeming life and spirits that surround us, and in trust that we will work together to protect this sacred heritage.
That statement was written by Richmond Campbell when the trail was completed in 2005. With formal declaration of the larger Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area expected soon, it seemed a particularly appropriate time and site to place the dedication.

