Term Projects: Technical GuidelinesContents
1. General Guidelines for Web Page Code and Design
2. File names, locations, access permissionsProjects are maintained on individuals' web space on the is2 server.Under the public directory (public_www), there should be a zsurname directory (the "z directory") which contains all work for this class. (Substitute your family name for surname in zsurname). Under the z directory make a directory called termproject to contain all files for your project. The file name for your home page should be home.html Thus your page should be accessible from the address http://is2.dal.ca/~username/zsurname/termproject/home.html. Place all images in a directory called img Name other files and directories as you wish, but use lower case throughout, and avoid more than 12 characters (excluding the extensions such as jpg, html). Use the extension names html and jpg rather than htm or jpeg. The access permissions for the z directory and all directories and files inside of the z directory should be set at 755 (user: read, write,execute; group: read, execute; other: read, execute). At the second draft stage of your project, you should propose a new name for the termproject directory; that name should be related to the topic, and easy to remember, e.g. birdsofprey. When that is approved by dp, change the name. Also change the name of home.html to index.html. Then your project should be accessible from the address http://is2.dal.ca/~username/zsurname/newname The reason for this somewhat convoluted naming procedure is as follows. We want all project pages to be accessible via a links page on the class worksite. It may take some time to make a final decision about the most appropriate name for your project directory. Hence initially it is just called termproject so we know where to find it. Initially we use the file name home.html rather than index.html for the home page because we want to be able to view the directory contents - that's helpful when you are trying to sort out why a particular image or file cannot be brought up from a particular page (open the directory and see if the page is there and opens up directly). Likewise, permissions are set at 755, so directory contents are viewable if there is no index page. For the final draft, names are changed to make them more appropriate for formal publication on the Web. 755 permissions rather than 705 permissions (no read and execute permissions for the group) are used so that the instructor can use UNIX commands to copy all project files for all students. They are copied into a class is2 account. 3. Site and Page Components3.1 The Home Page or Introductory section of a Web PageA project that includes a separate Home Page plus other pages is considered to be a "Web Site". The Home Page introduces the site, and provides links to other pages.A project in which the required sections are all on one page is a "Web Page". (If the page is very long, a frames version should be offered; alternatively, consider using a Web Site format.) There should be a Table of Contents close to the top of the page. The listings should include subsections of the Overview section. The first paragraph on the page should introduce the topic and what is offered on the page. 3.2. Overview TextOverview text should be written with attention to writing guidelines provided in Writing for the Web Geek's Edition by Crawford Kilian, 2001 (Self-Counsel Press, Birmingham, WA and North Vancouver, B.C.). Typically it will be broken down into titled subsections. In that case, cite the titles in the Table of Contents. Important terms that are peculiar to a topic should be colored in a way to distinguish them from the rest of the text (e.g. brown on white background) but without disrupting the flow of the text. They should be defined in the glossary section or sections. They can be given as a link to the glossary section but in most cases it will be better simply to bold the terms. It would be best not to make the actual links until you reach a near-final-draft stage. In-text references to the printed literature should be cited as (Surname, year), or Surname (year). Use a semicolon between multiple references (for example: Butler and MacArthur, 1994; Smith, 1998). If the item is available without restriction on the Web, put an asterisk before the citation (*Surname, year). Also use this form of citation, with an asterisk, for research papers published in peer reviewed electronic journals that are available only electronic form. In-text references to Web Pages other than those of journals posted on the Web should be cited as (*WEB PAGE TITLE or HEADING). They should NOT be presented as links within text; links are given with the full citations in the Cited Literature and Links section. If a whole section is presenting general and well known concepts about the topic, and you have drawn on a few authors in composing the overview, you could cite these authors after the heading, e.g. TITLE OF SECTION (sources: Smith, 1988; *GEOSCIENCES INSTITUTE HYDROLOGY PAGE)However, do not cite more than 3 sources this way. When specific facts or statements are cited in the section, provide in-text references for the sources. 3.3 GlossaryFor projects in which students are collaborating to prepare a Web site, this section might be provided as a separate page, or it might be a section in each of the subtopic pages. Initially, each person doing a subtopic should make his or her own glossary section and the group decides subsequently whether these are best left as such or combined on a single page. The glossary contains important terms that are peculiar to a topic, or better known terms for which it is useful to state a particular definition. In general, avoid directly citing more than one sentence from a source; edit longer texts form particular sources, and cite the item as (Source: adapted from ...). Use Definition Lists (Castro 4th ed 2000, p. 140; 5th ed p. 211) and provide contents and source as follows (colored text could be used in place of bolded text):
3.4 Useful LiteratureThis section should include a total of 5-10 useful references. These references are ones that would be particularly helpful to a reader pursuing the topic in more depth. Be thoughtful and selective about what you list. Don't include literature that would be very difficult to obtain. They should be items you have examined. Include Novanet Call Nos. for books from the Novanet libraries. If there is a literature item that you think is important but you have only seen it referred to, indicate this by reporting (Not Seen) at the end of the citation. Normally I expect that at least 1/3 of the useful citations are taken from literature published within the last 3 years (2000-2002). It is expected that you have researched recent literature. Use the following standard format: ( The format for citing Web pages and literature is adapted from the Columbia Guide to Online Style .)
Provide the items in a list as follows:
3.5. Useful LinksThis section should provide a total of 10 - 20 useful links, i.e. ones that would be particularly helpful to a reader pursuing your topic in more depth. These links should be ones that would direct the viewer to more information on the selected topic. Reliability (stability) of access, and credibility of the information are important. Some points to consider
For each link cited in this section, provide a short description following the link citation - what is on the site that makes it a useful link; you can also provide further links within that description to particular pages on the site. There are five components to the link citations:
Examples of link citations:
Examples of link citations plus short description
3.6. Useful JournalsThis section should provide links to 3+ refereed scientific journals that regularly carry papers in the subject area. Include the URL of the journal or if it is not available on the Web, then the URL of its publisher.
3.7. Cited Literature and LinksList literature and Links that you specifically cite on your pages. Use the formats described above for literature and links, but without comments. Provide them in a bulleted list. If the cited item is given under Useful Links or Useful Literature, it is still given in this section. List literature first and links second Example section
4. Images (diagrams, photographs)Normally, images will be less than 400 pixels vertically and horizontally; they should never exceed 600 pixels width and 400 pixels height (approximate filling the browser window on a 12 inch laptop monitor). Images should be saved at 72 ppi. In IMG tags, provide WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes and values. Include the ALT attribute and value. Normally the width and height of the stored image will the same as that of the image viewed on the Web page and specified in the IMG tag.Acknowledge the source of an image, unless it is obvious that it is one you prepared specifically for the page . If the image is taken from a site that allows copying, provide a link to that site. Otherwise, indicate " used with permission of xxxx" or acknowledge it with the language requested by the copyright holder; forward a copy of the original request and the reply granting permission to dp when you submit your assignment. See More Details about Acknowledging Images. Normally, use GIF files and Web palette colors for diagrams or other images with large areas of flat colors, and JPG (JPEG) files for photographs and for graphics containing color gradients. Make the image file size as small as possible consistent with maintaining good image quality (viewed on a monitor). Normally, the compressed file size should be less than 50 kb, and for most images, less than 25 kb. Avoid more than 100 kb of images on one page. If it is important to include an image larger than 50 kb on a page, consider making a smaller version for the page and providing a link to a larger version. Use of the "Save for Web" feature in Photoshop 5.5 and above is a convenient way to reduce file sizes. 5. META tagsThe META tags are visible in the HEAD section of the source code, but are not visible in the page that is opened up in the browser. They provide key information abut the document that can be sought by search engines. Include the following items (substituting your information for the italicized parts). You can use a a META tag generator to write the code. If you have several pages, these META tags need go only on the home page.
6. The Group Home PageThis page is the responsibility of the group as a whole.The group Home Page provides links to each of the groups members' pages, and blurbs about the topics. These links are absolute addresses to the members accounts -do not put all files on one account. See example. Initially this page just contains a list of links to members' pages. Identify one individual (the HomePerson) who will keep the group Home Page files on her or his account. Under HomePerson's z directory, make a directory called groupx, where x is the number of the group. Give the Group Home page the filename home.html Put all images in an img directory. Include metatags, acknowledge sources of images as described above. Follow other guidelines as they might apply. If the group is ccoperating to produce a focussed group web site, discuss details of the organization of that site with the instructor (dp). Posted October 3, 2001 by dp Web Literacy Class
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