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Weeds and natural control of pests

Studies by Miguel Altieri and colleagues have demonstrated that weeds can play an important control in pest control by providing habitat and food for natural enemies of pests.

Many natural enemies of pests feed on the pests in their larval stages, while the adult stage is dependent on nectar. Weeds can be a good in-field source of nectar for these natural enemies.

In the photo at top, an adult syrphid fly is feeding on nectar in the flower of a Canada thistle growing in a field of fababeans. In the bottom photo, a syrphid larva feeds on black aphids on the fababean plants. The presence of flowering weeds in the fababean field or close by contributes to natural control of the black aphid, a serious pest on fababeans.

Contributed by D. Patriquin
Photos by David Patriquin