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Useful Books and Papers on Agroecosystems

Table of Contents
  1. Researcher/student oriented books and manuals
  2. Practically oriented books and manuals
  3. Overview Papers

Additions, June 2001

1. Researcher/student oriented books and manuals

  • Altieri, M. 1995. Agroecology. The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture. Westview Press, Boulder; IT Publications, London, 227 pp.

  • Barnett, V.,R. Payne, and R. Steiner (eds). 1995. Agricultural Sustainability: Economic, Environmental and Statistical Considerations. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 266 pp. Dal. Lib. S 494.5 S86 A375

    The Rockerfeller Foundation commissioned this work in which six major centres of long-term experiments (in India, the Philippines, the U.K and US) conducted detailed studies of their long term data in order to address the issue of definition of sustainability, and to make proposals on how to measure sustainability in quantitative terms.

  • Committee on Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics.1993. Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics .National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. Dal. Lib. S 482 N38

  • Cohen, J.E. 1995. How Many People Can the Earth Support? W.W. Norton, New York. Dal. Lib. HB 1953 C64 1995

    A comprehensive review of efforts though the years to answer this question. See interview with Cohen at

  • Cox, G.W. and M.S. Atkins 1979. Agricultural Ecology. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Franciso, 721 pp

  • de Haan, C., H.Steinfeld and H. Blackburn (1997). Livestock and the Environment. Finding a Balance. European Commission Directorate-General for Development; WRENmedia, Fressingfield, Eye, Suffolk, IP21 5SA, U.K. SF 85 H32 1997.

    A comprehensive and balanced examination of the role of.livestock in world food production

  • Duckham, A.N., J.G.W. Jones and E.H. Roberts (Eds.). 1976 Food Production and Consumption. The efficiency of human food chains and nutrient cycles. Edited by. North-Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam/Americal Elsevier, New York. 541 pp. (DalTech Lib. QH 705 F64)

    A classic, ecosystems oriented analysis of flows of energy and materials in agricultural systems; still useful and a good introduction for those getting into this topic.

  • Edwards, C.A., R. Lal, P. Madden, R.H. Miller and G. House, G. (eds.). 1993. Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa. Dal. Lib. S 494.5 S86

  • Gliesman S.R. 1998. Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture. Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea Michigan.

  • Hatfield, J.L. and D.L. Karlen (eds). 1994. Sustainable Agriculture Systems. Lewis Publishers Ann Arbor, London. Dal. Lib S 494.5 S86 1994.

    The ten, detailed chapters cover historical perspective crops, soils, pests, economics, water, economics, challenges for next century.

  • Lal, R. 1987. Tropical Ecology and Physical Edaphology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Dal. Lib. S 481 L34

    "Edaphic" means "of the soil". This books contains sections on Tropical Ecology, Ecological Factors and Soil Physic Factors, Man as an Ecological Factor, and Towards Improvement in Tropical Agriculture.

  • Lampkin, N. 1990. Organic Farming. Farming Press Books, Ipswich, U.K., 701 pp.

    Lampkin addresses pretty well every aspect of organic farming under U.K. conditions; well documented.

  • Loomis, R.S. and D.J. Conners. 1992. Crop Ecology: Productivity and Management in Agricultural Systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. 538 pp

  • Ludwig, J., D. Tongway, D. Freudenberger, J. Noble, and K. Hodgkinson. 1997. Landscape Ecology, Function and Management: Principles from Australia's Rangelands. CSIRO Australia. 158 pp.

  • McRae, T., C.A.S. Smith, and L.J. Gregorich (eds). 2000. Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture: Report of the Agri-Environmental Indicator project. Agriculture and Agri-Food, Ottawa, Canada. pdf version available at

    A comprehensive document with background material for each section.

  • Preston, T.R, and R.A. Leng. 1987. Matching Ruminant Production Systems with Available Resources in the Tropics and Subtropics . Penambul Books, Armidale, Australia. 245 pp. See also: Preston, T.R. 1995. Tropical Animal Feeding. A manual for research workers. FAO Animal health and Production Paper 126, 305 pp.

  • Thyssen, N (ed). 1999. Nutrients in European Ecosystems. European Environment Agency, Environmental Assessement Report No. 4, 155 pp. Dal Lib QH77 E85 C76.

    Available as pdf document from the European Environment Agency. Comprehensive, detailed document defining nutrients, their source, criteria for excess, status in various ecosystems, protective and curative measures.

  • Wood, D. and J M Lenné (Eds). 1999. Agrobiodiversity: Characterization, Utilization and Management. Agrobiodiversity International, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, UK, 464 pp.


2. Practically oriented books and manuals

These should be useful for extension agents & farmers; they also illustrate practical considerations and provide food for thought for researchers.

  • Capistrano, LN., J. Durno and I. Moeliano (eds). 1990. Resource Book on Sustainable Agriculture for the Uplands. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines.203 pp. Dal. Lib. S604.3. R47.

  • Carr, S. and M. Bell. 1991. Practical Conservation: Boundary Habitats Hodder and Stroughten Educational, London, 127 pages.

  • Durno, J., I. Moeliono and R. Prasertcharoensuk. 1992. Resource Book on Sustainable Agriculture for the Lowlands. Southeast Asia Sustainable Agriculture Network. , 286 pp.

  • Mollison, B. 1990. Permaculture. A Practical Guide for a Sustainable Future. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 579 pp.

  • Oxfam. 1978. Gardening for Better Nutrition. Intermediate Technology Publications, 64 pp.

    Home gardens can go a long way towards treating illness arising from poor nutrition in Developing Countries. This manual describes illnesses associated with poor nutrition, the types of vegetables that can be grown to prevent them, as well as the techniques for growing them; it is especially oriented towards women who produce food directly for their families.

  • Roose, E. 1996. Land Husbandry: Components and Strategy. FAO Soil Bulletin # 70. FAO, Rome, 1996. Dal.Lib. S 623 R66

    "Following an analysis of small farmers' strategies for erosion control, this document presents a new approach- that of land husbandry-based on improved use of farmers' land and labour. In practical terms, land husbandry aims at improving infiltration, increasing the biomass and better management of available nutrients to enhance crop growth".

  • van Mansvelt, J.D. and M.J. van der Lubbe. (Eds.) 1999. Checklist for Sustainable Landscape Management. Elsevier, Amsetrdam.
  • The result of a large multidisciplinary effort within the European Union from 1993 to 1997, this book provides the first comprehensive set of standards for a sustainable landscape. They are presented under three realms: biotic, social and humanity.


3. Recent Overview Papers/Important Conceptual Papers in the Mainstream Scientific Literature

  • Allen-Wardell, G et al. (21 authors). 1998. The potential consequences of pollinator declines on the conservation of biodiversity and stability of food crop yields. Conservation Biology 12: 8-17.

  • Batjes, N.H. and W.G. Sombroek. 1997. Possibilities for carbon sequestration in tropical and subtropical soils. Global Change Biology 3: 161-173.

  • Johnson, M.G., E.R. Levine, and J.S. Kern 1995. Soil organic matter: distribution, genesis, and management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Water, Soil and Air Pollution 82: 593-615.

  • Lal, R. 1997. Degradation and resilience of soils. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B 352: 997-1010.

  • Matson, P.A., W.J. Parton, A.G. Power and M.J. Swift. 1997. Agricultural intensification and ecosystem properties. Science 277: 504-509.

  • Magdoff, F., L. Lanyon and B. Liebhardt. 1994. Nutrient cycling, transformations, and flows: implications for a more sustainable agriculture. Advances in Agronomy 60: 1-73.

  • Mearns, R. 1997. Livestock and environment: potential for complementarity. World Animal Review 88: 2-14.

  • Nicholson, C.F., R.W. Blake, R.S. Reid and J. Schelhas. 2001. Environmental impacts of livestock in the developing world. Environment, March 2001: 7-17.

  • Postel, S.L., G.C. Daily and P.R. Erlich. 1996. Human appropriation of renewable fresh water. Science 271: 785-788.

  • Ryszkowski, L. 1995. Managing ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Nature and Process 31(3): 27-36.

  • Vandermeer, J., M. van Noorswijk, J. Anderson, C. Ong, C., and I. Perfecto. 1998. Global change and multi-species agroecosystems: concepts and issues. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 67: 1-22.


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