See for example:
Bignal, E.M. and D. I. McCracken. 2000. The nature conservation value of traditional farming systems. Environmental Reviews 8: 149-171.
Lapointe, S., J Girous, L. Belanger and B. Filion. 2000. Benefits of rotational grazing and dense nesting cover for island-nesting waterfowl in southern Quebec. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 78: 261-272.
Rust, J.W., C.C. Sheaffer, V.R. Eudman, R.D. Moon and R.D. Mathison. 1995. Intensive rotational grazing for dairy cattle feeding. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 10: 147-151
Traditionally maintained meadows in the Magdallen Islands, Quebec maintain a high level of biodiversity. Cow is a Canadian cow, an endangered breed.
See Livestock Genetic Diversity