Below is a list of photos that you can access to put in your Special Topics or other Reports. They are all photos that dp has taken, so we don't need to worry about copyright if we finally out them on our Agroecosystems Web page. They are of varying sizes, and if you insert them in a document, you should adjust the size appropriately; remember to preserve the ratios of length to width or else the photo will be distorted. To look at a particular photo, open the photo in your browser using the following URL:

I have 100s more available, so ask me if you cant find one here to suit your purposes.

Linking to images:

The basic tag for linking images to pages is: <IMG SRC="filename">

More can be added:

<IMG SRC="../../pics/apples.jpg" WIDTH="213" HEIGHT="160" ALT="apples">
<P>Apples ready for the pickin

The width and height in the expression above specify dimensions in pixels. Experiment with that to get an idea of what different values will give you. Note that if you change dimensions, change the two axes proportionally or the picture will be distorted.

The ALT="apples" part inserts a description of what's in the image when the actual is not shown.


Apples ready for the pickin

You should be able to view all of the photos if you open the following location and then click on the names (not the image symbol beside it):

The current list is follows: