Agroecosystems Home Page
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Some Key Facts and Figures
Table of Contents
- The Time Frame
Milestones in the evolution of humans and agriculture; population
numbers over last 8,000 years.
- World Land Use Area of land under cultivated agriculture, rangeland, wetlands,
forest etc.
- Major crops Species of crops, the families to which they belong, proportion
of food contributed by major crops
- Major Livestock Total numbers of major livestock species, their dietary energy
- Food: Needs and Supply Energy needs per individual, food supply in Developing and Industrialized
countries, wastage factors, yields per hectare of cereals, efficiency
of conversion of foodstuffs by livestock
- Some Facts and Figures related to the Share of Global Resources
and Environmental Impacts of Agriculture Proportion of global primary production co-opted by humans, significance
of agriculture in global biogeochemical cycles, and as a producer
of greenhouse gases, effects of leakage of nutrients on other
- Some Facts and Figures related to Sustainability of Agriculture
Anticipated increase in demand on agriculture, threats to the
sustainability of agriculture- soil degradation, loss of biodiversity;
some options to reverse negative trends.