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Some Key Facts and Figures

Table of Contents
  1. The Time Frame
    Milestones in the evolution of humans and agriculture; population numbers over last 8,000 years.
  2. World Land Use Area of land under cultivated agriculture, rangeland, wetlands, forest etc.
  3. Major crops Species of crops, the families to which they belong, proportion of food contributed by major crops
  4. Major Livestock Total numbers of major livestock species, their dietary energy use.
  5. Food: Needs and Supply Energy needs per individual, food supply in Developing and Industrialized countries, wastage factors, yields per hectare of cereals, efficiency of conversion of foodstuffs by livestock
  6. Some Facts and Figures related to the Share of Global Resources
    and Environmental Impacts of Agriculture
    Proportion of global primary production co-opted by humans, significance of agriculture in global biogeochemical cycles, and as a producer of greenhouse gases, effects of leakage of nutrients on other ecosystems
  7. Some Facts and Figures related to Sustainability of Agriculture
    Anticipated increase in demand on agriculture, threats to the sustainability of agriculture- soil degradation, loss of biodiversity; some options to reverse negative trends.