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The Ecosystem Concept &
its Application to Agricultural Systems
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The Ecosystem Concept
The term 'ecosystem" was first applied by Sir Arthur Tansley in
1935; he defined it as follows:
the whole system (in the sense of physics) including not only
the organism-complex, but also the whole complex of physical factors
forming what we call the environment of the biome-the habitat
factors in the widest sense. Though the organisms may claim our
primary interest, when we are trying to think fundamentally we
cannot separate them from their special environment, with which
they form one physical system. It is the systems so formed which,
from the point of view of the ecologist, are the basic units of
nature on the face of the Earth.
R. Lindeman's work on a pond ecosystem, reported in the early
1940s is cited as the first to apply the ecosystem concept quantitatively
(McIntosh, 1980; Golley, 1993). He introduced or formalized the
concepts that
- nature is organized into systems which are recognizable objects
(such as a lake)
- ecosystems have a definable structure, (a network of feeding relationships
among the species populations; description of this structure can
be simplified by grouping the populations into food chains or
trophic levels)
- ecosystems have a behavior involving processing of energy and
chemicals imported to the system: it can be described by rates
of primary productivity, the length of food chains, the amount
of chemical energy stored at different levels, the efficiency
of trophic transfers and losses due to respiration, predation
and decomposition
- in the processing of organic matter, energy is made useless by
respiration, however inorganic constituents of organic matter
are released and made available again for plant growth
- microbes cycle energy and chemicals from dead organic matter back
into food chains;
- cycling of energy and materials couples the living organisms to
the non-living parts of the systems, and couples one ecosystem
to another;
- ecosystems have an origin and development
through an ecological succession to an equilibrium or steady state.
From his study of the history of the "ecosystem concept" in ecology
50 years later, Golley (1993) concluded there have been three
ways in which the concept has been applied scientifically. The
first is as a theoretical paradigm is the sense of Kuhn (1962)
.. an overarching and organizing idea; second, ecosystems have
been defined as objects which have definable structures and behavior
(such as a the pond with structures and processes as described
by Lindeman); in its third usage, it has served as a bridge between
a scientific paradigm, a physical object, and a holistic point
of view. Finally, Golley comments on the popularization of the
concept of ecology and ecosystems, noting that while "popular
ecosystem science simplified and thereby in a sense, misrepresented
the technical science" it has contributed to a new dialogue about
how humans value nature, and correspondingly the new disciplines
of environmental ethics or ecological philosophy. "It is not clear
to me where ecology ends and the study of ethics of nature begins,
nor is it clear to me where biological ecology ends and human
ecology begins, the ecosystem for some at least, has provided
a basis for moving beyond strictly scientific questions to deeper
questions of how humans should lie with each other and the environments.
Jorgensen (1992) put forward 27 propositions concerning the properties of ecosystems.
Definitions and discussions of agroecosystems quoted below illustrate
the three usage's cited by Golley (above).
Loucks (1977): "For the purposes of this review, ecosystems are defined as functioning
units of the biosphere, usually self-maintaining (often with perturbations),
and deriving distinctive properties from their structural components
as well as from interactions among those components. For functioning
of agro-ecosystems, the concept must be elaborated to include
the agents of the expanded inputs and exports, and to provide
for quantifiable boundary conditions such that exchange of materials
with adjacent systems is minimized and in any case is measurable."
Odum (1984): " Agroecosystems are domesticated ecosystems that are in many
basic ways intermediate between natural ecosystems, such as grasslands
and forests on the one hand, and fabricated ecosystems, such as
cities on the other hand;. They are solar powered as are natural
ecosystems, but differ in that (1) the auxiliary energy sources
that enhance productivity are processed fuels (along with animal
and human labor) rather than natural energies; (2) diversity is
greatly reduced by human management in order to maximize yield
of specific food or other products; (3) the dominant plants and
animals are under artificial rather than natural selection; and
(4) control is external and goal oriented rather than internal
via subsystem feedback as in natural ecosystems."
In regard to (4) Odum remarked that the goal of the traditional
independent farmer was not only to make a living but also to maintain
the farm from one generation to another..."to some extent, at
least, such a farmer is an "internal controller" since he operates
within the farming system. Unfortunately in the past decade or
so control has more and more passed from the farmer to more distant
controllers...the goal of the remote controllers is primarily
directed to obtain the largest possible yield of a cash crop,
not to maintain long term productivity." He suggests "it may be
feasible to design agroecosystems so that internal controls such
as operate in natural ecosystems can contribute to overall efficiency,
homeostasis, and stability. the theory here is that any services
we can get from natural internal self-organizing and self-maintaining
processes will reduce the need to spend money and energy to provide
theses services by artificial, external means."
Conway (1985): "A system is defined here as an assemblage of elements contained
within a boundary such that the elements within the boundary have
strong functional relationships with each other, but limited,
weak or non-existent relationships with elements in other assemblages;
the combined outcome of the strong functional relationship within
the boundary is to produce a distinctive behavior of he assemblage
such that it tends to respond to stimuli as a whole, even if the
stimulus is only applied to one part .
"We can conceive of the natural living world as a nested hierarchy
of such systems (organisms-population-community-ecosystem-biome-biosphere)
each with a more or less well defined boundary and a distinctive
system behavior. In agricultural development, ecosystems are transformed
into hybrid agroecosystems for the purpose of goods or fibre production.
these too can be arranged in a hierarchical scheme (e.g. field-farm-village-watershed-region).
A basic feature of such hierarchies is that the behavior of higher
systems in the hierarchy is not readily discerned simply from
a study of the behavior of lower systems. Each level of the hierarchy
has to be analyzed in its own right.
"For the purpose of analysis I make the further assumption that
the behavior of agroecosystems can be described by four system
properties: productivity, stability, sustainability and equitability."
Coleman and Hendrix (1988): "an agroecosystem is an ecosystem manipulated by frequent, marked
anthropogenic modifications of is biotic and abiotic environments"
Tivy (1990): "Agroecoystems vary in the extent to which they deviate in form
and function from the unmanaged ecosystem, depending on the type,
level of management and number and amount of inputs and outputs.
Smith and Hill (1975) identify four main parameters by which these
systems can be defined: biological diversity; intensity of human
management; net energy balance; and management responsibility;
and they stress that there is a continuum between the wild or
unmanaged and most intensively managed ecosystem. At one end of
the spectrum, when the management is low and input other than
human labor is negligible, the existing semi-natural ecosystem
may be directly exploited for livestock production, as in open
range grazing, with little management for either its organic components
or the physical environment.
In this case, inputs and outputs are small and agricultural productivity
is clearly related to that of the uncultivated vegetation resource.
Similarly in one of the simplest forms of cropping, that of shifting
agriculture in the humid tropical rainforest environment, management
is limited and the particular agro-ecosystems is closely adapted
to the existing ecological conditions... At the other end of the
spectrum are the agroecosystems in which there is a very high
level of management involving often drastic modification of the
environment, crops and livestock. The high number and volume of
capital, rather than labour, inputs is reflected in high productivity.
indeed it has been suggested that, in this type of agroecosystem,
man's technical expertise is such that the physical environment
is no longer a significant variable either determining or influencing
the type of agroecosystem."
Swift et al. (1996): "In the last decade concerns for sustainability have replaced
the maximization of productivity as the target for agricultural
development. This has generated increased interest in agroecosystem
design, a more holistic concept than the "commodity-led technology
development" paradigm which has dominated the post-world-war period
of agricultural development. The fundamental features of this
sustainability agenda, are that productivity should meet the aspirations
of the farmers and society, whilst at he same time conserving
resources and environments for the future. It has been hypothesized
that the inclusion of biodiversity is a key feature of such sustainable
agriculture ... Agroecosystems design should thus draw in scientific
information derived from study of "complex agroecosystems" rather
than simply on reductionist information drawn form the study of
crop plants in isolation."
Related concepts
- Agroecology
- Altieri (1987) defined this term as follows: "The scientific discipline
that approaches the study of agriculture from an ecological perspective
is herein defined as "agroecology" or "agricultural ecology" and
is defined as a theoretical framework aimed at understanding agricultural
processes in the broadest manner. the agroecological approach
regards farm systems as the fundamental units of study, and in
these systems, mineral cycles, energy transformations, biological
processes and socioeconomic relationships are investigated and
analyzed as a whole. Thus, agroecological research is concerned
not with maximizing production of a particular commodity, but
rather with optimizing the agroecosystem as a whole. This approach
shifts the emphasis in agricultural research away from disciplinary
and commodity concerns and toward complex interactions among and
between people, crops, soil and livestock."
- Ecosystem Health; Agroecosystem Health
- "The growing field of ecosystem health applies a medical health
paradigm to ecosystem analysis with the aim of yielding a framework
which is both comprehensive and evaluative...An extension of the
health paradigm to agroecosystems has been proposed as a way to
comprehensively diagnose and remedy the impacts of modern agriculture..For
example it provides a measuring stick for assessing the health
of agriculture...[they] are sufficiently general so as to encompass
ecological, social and economic processes in agriculture" (Bradshaw
and Smit, 1997). Calow (1992) considers the advantages and difficulties
of applying the concept to ecosystems. See Rapport et al. (1998)
for a recent review on assessment of ecosystem health.
- Integrated Agriculture; Integrated Farming Systems
- " IFS is "an holistic pattern of land use, which integrates natural
regulation processes into farming activities to achieve a maximum
replacement of off-farm inputs and to sustain farm income." IFS
attempts to make maximum use of on-farm resources in order to
minimize the qualities of purchased inputs such as fertilize and
pesticides required for maintenance of high yields or for adequate
financial returns; the objective is to reduce costs and pollution,
but not necessarily to eliminate use of agrochemicals (El Titi,
- Organic Agriculture
- Organic agriculture has been broadly described as "a system that
attempts to provide a balanced environment, in which the maintenance
of soil fertility and the control of pests and diseases are achieved
by the enhancement of natural processes and cycles, with only
moderate inputs of energy and resources, while maintaining an
optimum productivity. " (Hodges, 1982). This description applies
to most traditional farming systems, and to modern systems referred
to as biological, ecological, alternative, regenerative, LISA
(Low Input Sustainable Agriculture) etc. Since the early 1980s,
the term has taken on a more specialized or legalistic meaning
as a result of the widespread introduction of "organic certification
codes" to ensure consumers that produce labelled as "organic"
is in fact produced according to certain procedures. These codes
define what practices or materials may and may not be used; use
of synthetic chemicals (e.g. ammonium nitrate, many pesticides)
or secondarily processed chemicals (e.g. superphosphate) and biochemicals
(e.g. antibiotics) is prohibited (URL), as is the use of transgenic
the practices of organic agriculture are largely the same as those
now considered to be part of "sustainable agriculture", e.g. cover
cropping, composting, conservation tillage, use of legumes to
provide nitrogen.
- Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Development
- Sustainable development is the management and conservation of
the natural resource base and the orientation of technological
and institutional change in such a manner as to ensure the attainment
and continued satisfaction of human needs for the present and
future generations. Such sustainable development (in the agriculture,
forestry and fisheries sectors) conserves land water, plant and
animal genetic resources, is environmentally non-degrading, technically
appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable. (FAO
definition cited in Ongley, 1996)
- Permaculture
- "Permaculture principles focus on thoughtful designs for small-scale
intensive systems which are labor efficient and which use biological
resources instead of fossil fuels. Designs stress ecological connections
and closed energy and material loops. The core of permaculture
is design and the working relationships and connections between
all things. Each component in a system performs multiple functions,
and each function is supported by many elements. Key to efficient
design is observation and replication of natural ecosystems, where
designers maximize diversity with polycultures, stress efficient
energy planning for houses and settlement, using and accelerating
natural plant succession, and increasing the highly productive
"edge-zones" within the system." Source of quote: http://www.peg.apc.org/~pgan/#permaculture
Permaculture Global Assistance Network
- Precision managed agriculture (Site Specific Farming)
- "The use of local soil and crop parameters to make precise applications
of production inputs to small areas with similar characteristics"
(Sadler et al., 1998). It is a high-technology farming that requires
use of geo-referencing devices and mapping techniques, sensors
to detect variability, variable rate technology for applications
or soil manipulations, and formulation and use of treatment decision
- Traditional agriculture
- "Farming based wholly upon the kinds of factors
of production that have been used by farmers for generations" (Schultz,
quoted in Loomis, 1984)
Useful Links
(http://www.nafi.com.au/issues/ecosys.html) W.
Lang, Auth. (1997, October; Viewed 30 Jan.
2001) This paper written by Warren Lang explores the
ecosystem definition in relation to forestry. He provides a variety of
definitions from different sources and discusses each of them.
Cited Literature
- Altieri, M. 1987. Agroecology. The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture. Westview Press, Boulder; IT Publications, London.
- Bradshaw, B and B.Smit. 1997. Subsidy removal and agroecosystem health.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 64: 245-260.
- Calow, P. 1992. Can ecosystems be healthy? Critical consideration of concepts.
Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health 1: 1-5.
- Coleman, D.C. and P.F. Hendrix. 1988. Agroecosystem processes. In: L.R. Pomeroy and J.J. Alberts (eds.) Concepts of Ecosystem
Ecology: A Comparative View . Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 149-170.
- Conway, G.R. 1985.Agroecosystem analysis. Agricultural
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- El Titi, A. 1992. Integrated farming: an ecological farming approach in European
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- Golley, F.B. 1993. A History of the Ecosystem Concept in Ecology. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. Dal Lib QH 540.8
- Hodges, R.D. 1982. Agriculture and horticulture; the need for a more biological approach. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture
1: 1-13.
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