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Charlie Cron's Coastal Plain Species

A trip to see Coastal Plain species, led by Charles (Charlie) Cron, is becoming an annual August event. The Coastal Plain flora contains nine of the sixteen Legally Listed Species under the NS Endangered Species Act. Seven of those are included in Charlie's collection.

Photographer: Charlie Cron

Click on images for larger versions.


Bartonia virginica (L.) B.S.P. CP (bartonia)

Button Bush

Cephalanthus occidentalis L. (button bush)

Sweet Pepperbush

Clethra alnifolia
L. (sweet pepperbush)

Pink Coreopsis

Coreopsis rosea Nutt.
(pink coreopsis or pink tickseed) ENDANGERED

Thread-leaved Sundew

Drosera fiformis Raf. (thread-leaved Sundew) ENDANGERED

Thread-leaved Sundew
Joe-pye Toroughwort

Eupatorium dubium Willd.
(joe-pye toroughwort)

Narrow Leaf Fragrant Goldenrod

Euthamia galetorum Greene
(narrow leaf fragrant goldenrod)


Gratiola aurea Pursh


Hydrocotyle umbellata L.
(water pennywort) ENDANGERED


Ilex Glabra (L.) Gray


Lachnanthes caroliana (Lam) Dandy (redroot) THREATENED


Lophiola aurea Ker-Gawler
(golden-crest) THREATENED

White Fringed orchid

Platanthera blephariglottis (Willd.) Lindl. (white fringed orchid)

Tubercled Orchid

Platanthera flava (L.) Lindl.
(tubercled orchid)

Meadow Beauty

Rhexia virginica L.
(meadow beauty)

Plymouth Gentian

Sabatia kennedyana Fern
(Plymouth rose gentian) ENDANGERED

Plymouth Gentian
Plymouth Gentian
Poison Ivy

Toxicodendron radicans (L) Kuntz
(poison Ivy)

Curly-grass Fern

Schizaea pusilla Pursh.
(curly-grass Fern)

Purple Bladderwort

Purple Bladderwort

Utricularia purpurea Walt.
(purple Bladderwort)

Dwarf Chain Fern  Woodwardia virginica (L.) Sm.
(Virginia chain fern)
Bog yellow-eyed-grass

Xyris difformis Chapman
(bog yellow-eyed-grass)

Northern Yellow-eyed-grass

Xryis montana Ries
(northern yellow-eyed-grass)
