The beautiful spring ephemerals: yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum) in the Annapolis Valley

Patrick Foote forwarded these photos, taken by a road in White Rock on May 4th, 2011, before noon. He comments "they number in the thousands… in one and a half hours from first seeing them the flower petals turned upwards."

Click on photos for larger versions
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hepatica nobilis hepatica nobilis
The habitat of the yellow trout lily in Nova Scotia is described as "upland woods of beech and maple, and along the edge of intervales". 1 Its range is eastern North America ( NatureServe). For a description of the species, origins of its common names and some folk lore, seeYellow Trout-lily - A Lily of Many Aliases by Stanwyn G. Shetler.

Many thanks to Patrick for sharing the photos with us!

1. Roland, A.E., Zinck, M. & Owen, E. (1998). Roland's flora of Nova Scotia, 3rd Ed. Halifax: Nimbus & Nova Scotia Museum.
hepatica nobilis