Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria) at Conrad Beach: It's still there.
 | On the foggy evening of Monday, June 25th, 2012, we held our "summer evening meeting" at Conrad Beach to look for moonwort (Botrychium lunaria). It was found here in the mid 1990s, the only report for mainland Nova Scotia. The Flora of Nova Scotia, 3rd ed., cites 2 other locations, those in Cape Breton. Led by our President, we found 6 plants at the same locale where they have been sighted previously. There may have been more but the combination of falling light and increasing fog limited our search time.
Click on these photos for larger versions. The plant at right was 12 cm height. |
 | She was impressed.
Sincere apologies from the programme committee to a couple of participants who arrived at the posted time of 6 p.m., an error we unfortunately didn't catch. (The actual time was 7 p.m.) |
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