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Wild Flora and Habitat in Nova Scotia

The Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society is dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of wild flora and habitat, especially in Nova Scotia. A non-profit organization and an affiliate of the North American Native Plant Society, the society welcomes all people who are interested in native flora. Members meet regularly on a social basis to host speakers, plan recreational field trips, and organize other events.

This web site serves to create awareness about the Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society, and to be a source of information for topics of interest to all wildflower enthusiasts.
Please read the President's Welcome.
Issues, Events, Workshops
Upcoming NSWFS Events:Check Programme for upcoming NSWFS meetings and field trips.
Whats in Bloom Easter Weekend
Current blooms: Smiley's Park Draba verna in full bloom. Avon Penninsula Pussy willows.Hepatica nobilis Var Americana flower stems 1cm tall,none in bloom yet. Apr 14. Today Apr 15 Herring Cove headlands: Corema conradii in full bloom : Most flowers with reddish pink anthers some with ripe purple anthers on longer filaments. Only a small number of plants in bloom in sheltered but sunny spots. Colts foot are scattered everywhere,some in spectacular masses. - Courtesy C.C.Botanical Artists of Nova Scotia Association
April 3 - April 28, 2017
Nova Scotia Archives
Halifax, Nova Scotia
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Jan 12, 2017: "The Eastern Mountain Avens is an arctic-alpine plant that survives in just two places in the world. One of them is Big Meadow Bog where Nick Hill is involved in an $800-thousand study and restoration funded by Environment Canada." Listen to interview with Nick Hill on CBC Mainstreet (Jan 10, 2017).
8 Seminars on Vascular Plants at Eagle Hill ... Summer of 2017
Dec 12, 2017: The Eagle Hill Instititue in Maine offers short field classes covering a wide range of topics in natural history. Several of our members attend these classes regularly. We justreceived a list of the offerings on vascular plants for the summerof 2017. View List For a full calendar list, including seminars on cryptogamic botany, see calendar
Now and in the FutureBy knowing our wildflowers we can better preserve them for ourselves and for the future. Wildflowers are often abundant, but they are not indestructible - many of our loveliest ones are in danger of extinction by our carelessness. This need not happen if we observe the following rules of courtesy:
The text above is an excerpt from a book published in 1914. Even then, naturalists were concerned for the conservation of the wild flora! Source: Berniece Anderson & Arthur H Holmgren. 1914. Mountain Plants of Northeastern Utah. Logan: Utah State University. A revised edition is available online.