1870 Advocate Dyke: Kerr Canning 2004
Aerial photograph (flown June 17, 1995) showing the 1870 dyke and the MMRA (Maritime Marshlands Rehabilitation Administration)
Remains of 1870 Aboiteau and MMRA Aboiteau at Point A on Aerial photograph.
Images at Point B on Aerial photograph.
Images at Point C on Aerial photograph.
Pilings protecting the seaward wall of Advocate's 1870 dyke.Photo (2004)
Pilings removed. Photo (10/29/2008)
Bevel on the end that is driven into the marsh by a horse operated pile driver:View One
Bevel View Two.
Documents supporting the 1870 completion date of the English Dyke.
D1. The so-called 1870 dyke is not shown on the 1784 Surveyor's Map.
D2. A report prepared by Advocate dykeman Kenneth B. Rector for Alex Norman, a MMRA administrator.
D3. Land Transactions: Registry of Deeds and Probate Records.
Advocate dykeland transactions for the years up to the middle of the 1800,s involve lots located in a region of the marsh that begins just
east of
“Center Road” and runs west to the West Advocate end of the Marsh.
D4. Newspaper Articles
The newspaper articles, although brief and somewhat vague, tell a story that is consistent with the accounts in other sources. That is, the material in
the newspapers support the view that several dykes were built with the first dyke being constructed by the French in West Advocate and the subsequent dykes
constructed by the English; the first English dyke being at West Advocate and the last English dyke enclosing over 400 acres and located in the general area of
the present day MMRA dyke.