Some Links

The Chebucto Peninsula: A Significant Conservation Area. (PDF document)
A quick illustrated introduction to the area, “The Parks and Protected Areas on the Chebucto Peninsula on Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast and some of the features that make the whole peninsula a significant conservation area are described and illustrated with maps and photos. Invited post on website for Our HRM Alliance ( on Aug 9, 2015

Natural History of the Landscapes of the Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area (PDF)
“The Five Bridge Lakes Wilderness Area (FBLWA) lies about 20 kilometers west of downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. It encompasses 8,626 hectares hectares of Crown land located in the centre of the Chebucto Peninsula on Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast. This set of photographs, maps, Google Earth images and text provides a virtual tour of the area and interpretation of landscapes from a natural history perspective. The materials were assembled for a presentation at the AGM of the Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization on February 17, 2010. The FBLWA was formally designated a Wilderness Protected Area under Nova Scotia’s Wilderness Areas Protection Act on Oct 25, 2011.”

Hans Toom Blog (Canadian Nature Visions)
Hans Toom is an accomplished birder and photographer living on the Chebucto Peninsula. His blog includes many visual records of life on the Chebucto Peninsula.