MAP: Land of the Mi’Kmaq – Mi’kma’ki
from www.danielnpaul.com
I live in ‘Kjipuktuk”, expressed as “Chebucto” in the anglicized version, and named “Halifax” by the British. Chebucto means “Great Harbour”. Kjipuktuk lies in the the Sipekne’katik District, one of seven districts in Mi’kma’ki, which includes all of Nova Scotia and PEI, and parts of New Brunswick and Quebec.
The “Chebucto Peninsula” is the land below a line drawn from the top of St. Margaret’s Bay to the top of the Bedford Basin.

Maps from Wikipedia
I don’t know when this area began to be known as the Chebucto Peninsula; I think it is fairly recently, in the latter 20th century.
The Halifax Peninsula is a sub-peninsula of the Chebucto Peninsula.
I came to Halifax to live and work in 1973. I was a prof in the Biology Dept at Dalhousie University 1975 to 2008. My folks were from the Annapolis Valley but went to Quebec to work in the late 1920s, so Quebec was my home from my birth in 1943 until I left for Halifax in 1973. Since then I have lived in Halifax.
But I really only began to explore the Chebucto peninsula, which I now consider my BioRegion, in any detail circa 2005.
In this this Blog/website, I want to share some of what I have learned about the Chebucto Peninsula and the immediate environs on water and land, as well as to use the site as a tool for myfurther learning about this wonderful place. If it proves to be of interest and value to others, all well and good!
- David P, June 7, 2022
Useful Link
History of Halifax, a Mi’kmaw perspective
By Michael McDonald for the Nova Scotia Advocate, July 12, 2017.
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